Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/486

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MULTILATERAL-NAVAL ARMAMENT - MARCH 25, 1936 (3) If accession should be made after the date of the coming into force of the Treaty, the following information shall be given by the acceding Power so as to reach all the other High Contracting Parties within one month after the date of accession:- (a) The initial Annual Programme of construction and declara- tion of acquisition, as prescribed by Articles 12 (a) and 14, relating to vessels already authorised, but not yet laid down or acquired, belonging to the categories or sub-categories mentioned in Article 12 (a). (b) A list of the vessels of the above-mentioned categories or sub-categories completed or acquired after the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty, stating particulars of such vessels as specified in Article 12 (b), together with similar particulars relating to any such vessels which have been con- structed within the jurisdiction of the acceding Power after the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty, for a Power not a party thereto. (c) Particulars, as specified in Article 12 (b), of all vessels of the categories or sub-categories above-mentioned which are then under construction for the acceding Power, whether or not such vessels are being constructed within His own juris- diction, together with similar particulars relating to any such vessels then under construction within His jurisdiction for a Power not a party to the present Treaty. (d) Lists of all minor war vessels and auxiliary vessels with their characteristics and information concerning them, as pre- scribed by Article 19. (4) Each of the High Contracting Parties shall reciprocally furnish to the Government of any country on behalf of which accession is made after the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty, the information specified in paragraph (3) above, so as to reach that Government within the period therein mentioned. (5) Nothing in Part III of the present Treaty shall prevent an acceding Power from laying down or acquiring, at any time during the four months following the date of accession, any vessel included, or to be included, in His initial Annual Programme of construction or declaration of acquisition, or previously authorised, provided that the information prescribed by Article 12 (b) concerning each vessel shall be communicated so as to reach all the other High Con- tracting Parties within one month after the date of accession. Data to be given other Contracting Parties by acceding Power. Ante, pp . 1377, 1379. Ante, p. 1377. Ante, p. 1381 . Data by signatories to acceding Power. Construction or nc- qullsltlon of vessels by acceding Power. Article 82 The present Treaty, of which the French and English texts shall both be equally authentic, shall be deposited in the Archives of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which will transmit certified copies thereof to the Governments of the countries for which the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament was signed in London on the 22nd April, 1930. French and English texts equally authen- tic. Deposit of treaty. 1393