Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/495

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Agreement between the United States of America and Brazil respecting a May 27,1936 naval mission. Signed May 27, 1936; effective June 25, 1936. [E.A.s.No.94 In conformity with the request made by the Ambassador of Brazil in Washington to the Sec- retary of State, the President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority conferred by the Act of Congress of May 19, 1926, entitled "An Act To au- thorize the President to detail of- ficers and enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to assist the Gov- ernments of the Latin-American Republics in military and naval matters", as amended by an Act of May 14, 1935, to include the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, has authorized the ap- pointment of officers to constitute the Brazilian Naval Mission, un- der the conditions specified be- low: ARTICLE I 1. The purpose of the Naval Mission is to cooperate with the Minister of Marine and the offi- cers of the Brazilian Navy, with a view to enhancing the efficiency of the Brazilian Navy. 2. This contract when signed by the legal representatives of De conformidade cor o pedido feito pelo Embaixador do Brasil em Washington ao Secretario de Estado, o Presidente dos Estados Unidos da America, em virtude da autoridade conferida pela Lei do Congresso de 19 de Maio de 1926, intitulada "Lei que auto- riza o Presidente a designar of- ficiaes e homens alistados do exercito, marinha e corpo de infantaria de marinha para colla- borar com os Governos das Re- publicas Latino-Americanas nos servicos militares e navaes" e al- terada pela Lei de 14 de Maio de 1935 para incluir o "Common- wealth" das Ilhas Philippinas, autorizou a nomeacao de Officiaes para constituirem a Missao Naval no Brasil, nas condicoes abaixo especificadas: ARTIao I 1. O fim da Missao Naval 6 co- operar corn o Ministro da Ma- rinha e com os Officiaes da Ar- mada do Brasil no sentido de augmentar a efficiencia da Ma- rinha de Guerra Brasileira. 2. Este contracto, uma vez as- signado pelos representantes au- 1403 Agreement with Brazil respecting a naval mission. 44 Stat. 665; 49 Stat. 218. Purpose. Effective date of contract.