Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/496

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Duration. the United States of America and the United States of Brazil shall be effective as of June 25, 1936 (the expiration date of the pres- ent contract). It provides for an extension of the Mission for a period of four years from the above date unless terminated sooner or prolonged further than provided here. 3. If the Government of Brazil shall desire the services of the Mission to be prolonged, in whole or in part, beyond the period stipulated, a proposal to that ef- fect must be made six months before the termination of this agreement. 4. If it should be necessary, in the interest of either of the two Governments, for the present agreement or an extension there- of to be terminated before the time specified, the Government desiring this must notify the other Government three months in advance. 5. It is here stipulated and agreed that as long as the Mission is functioning under this agree- ment or an extension thereof, the Government of Brazil will not contract for the services of any mission or personnel of any other foreign Government for the duties and purposes treated of in this agreement. ARTICLE II 1. The Naval Mission shall be composed, in addition to the two officers who are already in Brazil on similar duty, of six (6) addi- tional officers of the United States 1404 torizados dos Estados Unidos da America e dos Estados Unidos do Brasil, comecara a vigorar a par- tir de 25 de Junho de 1936 (data da expiraqao do actual con- tracto). Elle estabelece uma prorogacao da Missao por um periodo de quatro annos, con- tado da data acima, a menos que termine mais cedo ou que se pro- longue mais do que aqui 6 es- tabelecido. 3. Se o Governo do Brasil de- sejar que o servioe da Missao se prolongue, no todo ou em parte, alem do periodo estipulado, uma proposta para esse fim deve ser feita seis mezes antes do termo deste acc6rdo. 4. Se for necessario, no inte- resse de qualquer dos dois Gover- nos, que se termine o presente contracto ou seu prolongamento antes do tempo especificado, o Governo que o desejar devera no- tificar o outro trgs mezes antes. 5. E aqui estipulado e accor- dado que emquanto a Missao func- cionar sob este acc6rdo, ou pro- longamento delle, o Governo do Brasil nao contractara os servicos de qualquer Missao ou pessoal de qualquer outro Governo estran- geiro para as funccoes e fins tra- tados neste accordo. ARTTOO I 1. A Missao Naval compor-se-a, alem dos dois Officiaes que ja se encontram no Brasil em servicos semelhantes, de mais seis (6) Officiaes da Marinha dos Estados Composition and personnel.