Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/554

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1462 Pay and allowances. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES TITLE IV PAY AND ALLOWANCES Art. 12 . The members of the Mission shall receive from the Bra- zilian Government, for their services, the following annual com- pensation in Brazilian paper money, payable monthly in 12 equal installments: Colonel ........ .. 72:000$000 (Seventy-two contos) Lieutenant Colonel . . . 66:000$000 (Sixty-six contos) Major ........ .. 60:000$000 (Sixty contos) Captain ........... 54:00$000 (Fifty-four contos) Art. 13. Each member of the Mission shall have the right to receive his Brazilian pay beginning on the date of his leaving NEW YORK, and continuing, upon completion of his service in the Mission, up to the date of his arrival in NEW YORK, proceeding each way by usual sea route. Any member of the Mission who may return to the UNITED STATES before completing two years service, or who returns for one of the causes foreseen in Art. 26, will only receive full pay up to the date of his leaving Rio DE JANEIRO, except in the cases of ill-health or termination of the contract of the Mission in which cases payment will be made up to arrival in NEW YORK. Art. 14. It is further stipulated that this compensation shall not be subject to any Brazilian tex ' now in force or which may hereafter be imposed. Art. 15. The expenses of transportation by land and sea of the members of the Mission, their families, household effect ' and baggage, including automobiles, shall be paid in advance by the representative of the Brazilian Government, the officers and their families being furnished with firstclass accommodations, families being construed as wives and dependent children throughout the contract. There shall be provided in advance the following allowance to cover expenses of locating and housing each member of the Mission: Colonel..................6:000$000 LieutenantColonel.............5:500$000 Major.................. .5:000$000 Captain..................4:500$000 The household effects and baggage including automobiles of the personnel of the Mission and their families shall be exempt from customs duties and imposts of any kind in BRAZIL. Art. 16. The members of the Mission who remain in Brazil two or more years, or until the termination of the Mission, shall have the right, when they return to the UNITED STATES or AMERICA, to the advance payment of transportation expenses of themselves and their families and all effects, as specified in Art. 15, and insurance of effects, from Rio DE JANEIRO to NEW YORK; these expenses to include packing effects and transporting them on board ship in Rio DE JANEIRO. Art. 17. During the stay of the Mission, the Government of BRAZIL shall grant, on request of the Chief of the Mission, free entry for articles of personal and family use; families being construed as wives, and dependent children. 1So in original.