Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/762

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES 3. Una vez convenido el inter- cambio entre dos Administra- ciones, 6stas acordaran la forma en que deban repartirse los gastos correspondientes, a iniciativa y por intermedio de la Oficina Inter- nacional de Montevideo. ARTICULO 21 Division of ex- penses. InternationalTrans- Oficina Internacional de Trans- International Transfer Office bordos continuance in 1. Queda subsistente en la Re- 1. There shall continue to ex- 'P ama publica de Panama una Oficina ist in the Republic of Panama an Internacional de Transbordos, a International Transfer Office, la cual corresponde recibir y re- which is charged with receiving expedir todos los despachos pos- and forwarding all mail dispatches tales, originarios de las Adminis- originating in Administrations of traciones de la Uni6n que no dis- the Union which do not have pongan de servicios propios en el their own service in the Isthmus Istmo, y que transitando por el which, upon passing in transit mismo, den lugar a operaciones de through the same, give rise to transbordo. transfer operations. Operation. 2 La expresada Oficina fun- 2. Said Office will function in cionara de acuerdo con el Regla- accordance with the Regulations mento concertado entre laOficina agreed upon between the Inter- Internacional de la Uni6n Postal national Office of the Postal Union de las Am6ricas y Espafia y la of the Americas and Spain and the Administraci6n Postal panamefia. Postal Administration of Panama. Amendments. 3. Las reformas que en cual- 3. Amendments which at any quier tiempo deban introducirse time may have to be made in the en el Reglamento aludido, se aforesaid Regulations will be sub- someteran por las Administra- mitted by the Administrations con- ciones interesadas a la considera- cerned to the International Office ci6n de la Oficina Internacional at Montevideo for consideration in de Montevideo, para que, por su order that they may be proposed mediaci6n, se propongan a la Ad- to the Postal Administration of ministraci6n Postal de Panama. Panama through its mediation. Supervision and 4. La organizaci6n y funciona- 4. The organization and opera- control. miento de la Oficina Internacional tion of the International Transfer de Transbordos quedan sometidos Office are subject to supervision a la vigilancia y fiscalizaci6n de la and control by the Administration Direcci6n General de Correos y of Posts and Telegraphs of Tel6grafos de PanamA y de la Panama and the International Oficina Internacional de la Uni6n Office of the Postal Union of the Postal de las Americas y Espana Americas and Spain with head- con sede en Montevideo, a la cual quarters in Montevideo, upon incumbe actuar como mediadora which latter it is incumbent to y asesora en cualquier divergencia act as mediator and arbitrator in que surja entre la Administraci6n any dispute arising between the Postal de PanamA y los paises Postal Administration of Panama que utilicen los servicios de la and countries which utilize the Oficina mencionada. services of said Office. Personnel. 5. El personal adscrito al servi- 5. The personnel attached to cio de la Oficina sera designado the service of the aforesaid Office por la Direcci6n General de Co- will be designated by the Adminis- 3. Once that the exchange is agreed upon between two Admin- istrations, the latter will decide upon the manner in which the relative expenses are to be shared, at the initiative and through the intermediary of the International Office of Montevideo. ARTICLE 21