Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/803

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AMERICAS AND SPAIN-MONEY ORDERS-DECEMBER 22, 1936 ARTICULO 11 Aviso de pago El remitente de un giro podra obtener un aviso de pago, me- diante un derecho equivalente al percibido por la Administraci6n de origen, en concepto de aviso de recibo de la correspondencia certificada. Este derecho perte- necera a la Administraci6n de origen. La Administraci6n de destino extendera el aviso de pago en un impreso, conforme al modelo (F)> y lo remitira al propio interesado, directamente, o a la Administra- ci6n emisora, para su entrega a aquel. ARTICLE 11 Advice of payment The remitter of an order may obtain an advice of payment for a fee equivalent to that collected by the Administration of origin for a return receipt for registered correspondence. This fee will be retained by the Administration of origin. The Administration of destina- tion will issue the advice of pay- ment on a printed form agreeing with model "F", and will transmit it directly to the interested party, or to the issuing Administration for delivery to the former. ARTICULO 12 ARTICLE 12 Reexpedicion A petici6n del remitente o del destinatario de los giros, estos podran ser reexpedidos a otro pals distinto a aquel al cual estuvieren destinados primiti- vamente, siempre que exista cam- bio de giros con el nuevo pais de destino. La Administraci6n reexpedidora tendra derecho a deducir del importe del giro, las cuotas que le correspondan por concepto de los nuevos giros emitidos por ella, conforme a lo establecido en el Articulo 5 anterior. En caso de reexpedici6n, el giro se considerara como si hu- biese sido pagado por la Admi- nistraci6n reexpedidora, la cual lo incluira en la cuenta por tal concepto, afadiendo la palabra «Reexpedici6n,. ARTICULO 13 Legislaci6n interior Los giros postales que se cam- bien entre dos paises estaran sujetos, con respecto a su emisi6n y pago, a las disposiciones vigentes enelpafsdeorigenoenelpaisde destino, segun el caso, en lo con- cerniente a la emisi6n y pago de los giros postales interiores. Reissuance At the request of the remitter or payee of an order, the latter may be reissued to a country other than the one for which it was originally destined, whenever an exchange of money orders exists with the new country of destina- tion. The reissuing Administration will have the right to deduct from the amount of the order the fees due for the new orders issued by it, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 preceding. In case of reissuance, the order will be considered as if it had been paid by the reissuing Administra- tion, which will include it in the account for that purpose, adding the word "Reissued". ARTICLE 13 Domestic legislation Money orders exchanged be- tween two countries will be sub- ject, with respect to their issuance and payment, to the provisions in force in the country of origin or in the country of destination, as the case may be, concerning the issuance and payment of domestic money orders. Advice of payment. Post, p. 1729. Reissuance. Deduction of fees. Ante, p. 1709. Domestic legisla- tion.