Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/977

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INDEX Francis, Paul J., payment to ---------- Frank, Bertha L., payment to----------- Frazier-Davis Construction Company, pay- ment to----------------------- Fuchs, W. R., credit allowed in accounts - G Galleguillo, R., claim for overtime labor submitted to Court of Claims ----- Gallup's, Inc., payment to------------ Ganong, Joseph A., payment to ------ Garcia, Edward Y. and Aurelia, payment to------------------------------ Gardiner, Henry, appropriation author- ized for payment to-------------- Garfield, Harry A., payment to -------- Garnsey, Cyrus, Jr., payment to

Garrison, E. W ., payment to----------- Gaskins, Ruth, payment to----------- Gauntes, Ishmael J., appropriation au- thorized for payment to----------- Gayler, Ernest R. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized-------- General Pulaski Memorial Day, 1936, designation of-------------------- Gentry, Elbert, payment to ---------- George, Clifford R. and Mabel D., pay- ment to------------------------- Georgia: Chattahoochee National Forest, lands set apart ---------------------- Ocmulgee National Monument, estab- lishment----------------------- Gibraltar, parcel post agreement with---- Gibson, Henry Clay, payment to ------ Gidden, Culver, payment to------------ Gift, J. Edgar, credit in accounts ----- Gilbert, F. M. (Dr.), payment to ------- Gilbert, T. C. (Dr.), payment to------- Gill, Charles C. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------ Gillespie, Sallie, provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to---- Gilmette, Marcellino, payment to estate of ----------------------------- Gilmor, Albert (Col.), acceptance of for- eign decoration authorized -------- Glinn, Lillian J., homestead entry vali- dated---------------------------- Gockeler, Edward L., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to ---------------------------- Goldenberg Furniture Company, payment to----------------------------- Golden Gate International Exposition, foreign nations invited to participate- Golding, Robert N., payment to-------- Gold Star Mother's Day, 1936, designation of------------------------------ Page 1015 1093 1043 1026 964 1099 937 941 1001 1103 1103 1014 1073 1000 948 1772 966 1015 1739 179E 1488 108( 100] 953 971 971 94! 96; 105 94 103 96 103 179 104 177 'race, Margaret, payment to---------- Iraham, William E., payment to---- 'ray, E. B ., payment to-------------- Ireat Northern Railway Company, pay- ment to ----------------------- Greeley, W. B., payment to-----------

reen Mountain National Forest, Vt.,

lands set apart ------------------- Gregg, LaVergne L., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized .. --- -. .. ... lresham, Maude P., payment to ----- Grier-Lowrance Construction Company, Inc., claim of, referred to Court of Claims------------------------- griffith, C. E ., appropriation authorized for payment to ----------------- Grigsby, F. G., claim for overtime labor submitted to Court of Claims- Grimstead, Montrose, payment to---- 3ross, F. A ., credit allowed in accounts - Groves, Albert and Della Workman, pay- ment to ------------------------- Gnerini, Adelaide, conveyance of certain real estate to---------------------- Gunn Realty Trust, conveyance of certain lands to-------------------------- H Halbert, Fred P., issue of land patent to- Halibut Fishery, Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, convention with Canada for preservation of ------ Haller, Glen, adjustment of claim au- thorized ------------------------- Hamlet, Harry G. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------ Hampton, A. D., payment to --------- Hanna, George W. and Bertha M., pay- ment to-------------------------- Hansen, Harold D. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- Hardy, George A., payment to--------- Harkness, Frank E., payment to------- Harmon, H. G., payment to --- ------- Harmon, John, payment to ---------- Harney National Forest, S. Dak. and Wyo., area enlarged--------------------- Harper, John B. (Maj.), credit allowed in accounts of ---------------------- Harris, Bertha M., payment to -------- Harris, Ernest L., appropriation author- ized for payment to--------------- Harrison, Elbert Grover, Jr., payment to- Harrison, Nina B., credit allowed in accounts of -------------------- Hartley, James Lincoln, entry for per- manent residence legalized - ------- Haven, Mary Lucia, payment to------- Page 992 966 945 980 987 1813 1025 1046 955 1001 964 1004 1102 1100 1052 969 1070 1351 927 959 935 959 948 941 1103 1034 1096 1842 925 930 1001 1100 1019 1030 1070 . - . .