Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/978

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INDEX Hawaii, Joint Committee on, establish- ment; investigation and study of subject of statehood, etc --------- Hawk, Wade, payment to ----- ________ Hayes, William, payment to------ __ __ Hefner, Howard, payment to ---------- Heintzlemen, P. S., a c c eptance of foreign decoration authorized ---_ -_ _ _ _ __ _ - Heizer, Oscar S., appropriation author- ized for payment to_______________ Helmick, Doris Ruth, payment to guardian of----...-- -- -- -_____ ..________- Hemrick, John S. , provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to ------ _----__.-_- - ___. ___ __- Heppenstall, George T. , payment to -_-_ Heraty, Francis J., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized --------- ____ Herring, Dan W., payment to- __ _ __ _ __ . Herrmann, Edgar T. (Dr.), payment to___ Hess, Louie, claim referred to Court of Claims ---------- ___ ____ - ____ __- Hesterly, Louie (Mrs.), payment to --- __ Hewitt, Henry K. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------ Hickey, Patrick Daniel and Nora Helena Grace, payment to----- _ _- - - ___ __ _ Higley, Harvey D. (Lt. Col.), payment -_ Higuera, J. A., claim for overtime labor submitted to Court of Claims--- ___ Hildebrand, Norman, payment to ------ Hill, Earl, payment to-----_______. -__ Hill, Harry J. (Rev.), payment to-------- Hines, Minnie D., payment to --- ___ ._. Hintz, Martha, payment to -------- _ __ _ Hintz, William, payment to ------------ Hitchcock, Hazel Marie, payment to guardian of

_--_----______- Hitchcock, Patricia Lea, payment to guardian of ---------------------- Hodge, Mary B., credit allowed in postal accounts ---------- _ _------__ _-- Hoffman, A. B., adjustment of claim au- thorized .----------------- _- ___ _. Hoge, Oliver Z., payment to------------ Hohenthal, William D. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized---- Holderness, Stephen Walsh (2d Lt.), ac- ceptance of foreign decoiation au- thorized ------------------------- Holland. See Netherlands. Hollister, William (Dr.), license to practice healing art granted to ------ _-_-- Holloman, Farley J. , disability claim to be considered -----_____-- -_- -

Holmes, F. M. (Lt. Col.), credit allowed in accounts _---------------_-_- Holmes, Frederick S. (Lt. Comdr.), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized_ Page 1112 932 999 989 1025 1001 1100 944 973 1025 1029 1030 1052 980 948 1100 1057 964 938 1077 1010 986 1082 1082 1100 1100 929 927 1091 948 948 971 982 1044 948 Holmes, Maurice G. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized-__ _ Holmes, William H., payment to ______ Homochitto National Forest, Miss., lands set apart ------------------ --- ___. Hood, Lilian A., appropriation authorized for payment to --- __- ___- -__ -___ Hooper, Vivian E., appropriation author- ized for payment to - ___ ___ __ ___ _ Hord, Paul W. (Lt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- _ _ __ _ _ __ Home, Norman C., payment to --- _ -- Howard, Jerome H., payment to--- ---- Hunt, William H., appropriation author- ized for relief of -- -

__________ Hunter, Asa J., payment to ---- _--__- Hutcheson, Horace, payment to guardian of--..---------------- Hutton, Welton B., examination for op- tometry license authorized ------- __ Hyland, Annie E., payment to --------- I Ijams, George E., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------------ _ 997 Income Taxation, convention with Canada concerning ----------- __----- - - 1399 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938, correction in enrollment di- rected-------------_ --- --- _- 1110,1111 International Agreements Other Than Treaties. See also Treaties. Commercial relations, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics --------. 1433, 1619 Customs frauds, suppression of, France- 1468 Military mission, Brazil-------------- 1457 Money orders, Postal Union of the Americas and Spain ---.-------- 1708 Naval mission, Brazil --------------- 1403 Parcel post- Bahamas --..-----


Gibraltar ---- __-____-- ___----_ Postal Union of the Americas and Spain-_---__- --- __------ Rumania. -_- ----- -__ .--_ ---- Perpetual leaseholds, Japan ------- Postal convention, Postal Union of the Americas and Spain -

Publications, exchange of, Peru------ Reciprocal trade- Costa Rica -_-- ----- __--_ ---- El Salvador.. -- -- -. -- -- -- Finland ---- - -_--------____- Netherlands ---------------- _. Nicaragua ---- _ ----- ------ -___ _ Ship measurement certificates, Panama- International Young Men's Christian Association College, conveyance of certain lands to -------------- 1472 1488 1696 1630 1611 1657 1601 1582 1564 1436 1504 1413 1626 969 VII Page 948 1020 1758 1001 1001 948 932 1092 999 1041 978 1046 958