Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1511

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52 STAT.] CANADA-PRACTICE BEFORE PATENT OFFICES Dc 3,28,937 Jan. 24, 1938 Reciprocalarrangementbetween the United States of America and Canada relative to admission to practice before patent offices. Effected by exchange of notes, signed December 3 and 28, 1937, and January 24, 1938; effective January1, 1938. The Canadian Minister (Marler) to the Secretary of State (Hull) No. 241 SIR: Dec. 3, 28, 137, aM Jan. 24, 1938 [E. A. S. No. 118] CANADIAN LEGATON Washington, December 3, 1937. I have the honour to advise you that as a result of an amendment to the Rules of practice of the Patent Office of Canada-which was adopted in 1933-attorneys who had previously been listed on the Canadian Patent Office Register were no longer permitted to prac- tice before that Office. Subsequently there have been informal nego- tiations between the Commissioner of Patents of the United States and the Under-Secretary of State of Canada with a view to the con- clusion of a reciprocal arrangement. The negotiations have culminated in the decision of the Govern- ment of Canada to substitute for existing Rule 14 under the Patent Act a new Rule to become effective on January 1, 1938, which will read as follows:- Reciprocal arrange- ment with Canada relative to practice before the Patent Of- fices of both countrie. Rules of practiceeo the Patent Office of Canada, amendment. 14. (1) The names of the following persons shall on request and "t. payment of the prescribed fee of $5.00 be entered on the Register of Attorneys who are permitted, subject to the qualifications and con- ditions prescribed by these Rules and Regulations, to practice before the Patent Office: (a) Any barrister, solicitor or advocate on the roll of barristers solicitors or advocates under the Laws of any of the Provinces of Canada; (b) Notaries entitled to practise their profession under the Laws of the Province of Quebec; (c) Any barrister, solicitor or attorney resident in any part of the British Commonwealth of Nations, who files proof to the satis- faction of the Commissioner that he is registered and in good stand- ing before the Patent Office of his place of residence and possesses the qualifications required to practice before the said office; (d) Any attorney resident in the United States of America, who files proof to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he is regis- tered and in good standing before the Patent Office of the United States of America and possesses the qualifications required to prac- tise before the said office; (e) The names of Canadian nationals residing in Canada entered on the Register of attorneys on the date of approval of these rules shall be continued thereon. Any Canadian National resident in Can- ada and who is not a member of the bar of one of the Provinces or a Notary Public of the Province of Quebec, but who has had three years experience in patent work under the personal direction and 1475