Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1549

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1513 52 STAT.] FRANCE-PASSPORT VISA FEES-JAN . 12, 14, 1938 Agreement between the United States of America and France respecting passport visa fees. Effected by exchange of notes, signed January 12 and 14, 1938; effective January15, 1938. The American Ambassador (Bullitt) to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (Delbos) No. 836 January 12 and 14,1938 [E. A. S. No. 125] EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Paris, France, January 12, 1938 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to confirm to Your Excellency in the following terms the tentative agreement reached as a result of informal discus- sions between the competent bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and this Embassy for a reciprocal increase of the tariff for passport visas charged by the Governments of France and the United States: (a)-Passport visas issued to American citizens by French Consuls will be valid for two years, unless the passport is valid for a lesser period, in which case the visa will be valid only during the period of validity of the passport. The visa will give the right to enter France as often as the holder may wish during its validity. The fee will be seventy-five francs. (b)-The fee for a non-immigrant passport visa valid for any number of entries into the United States by a bearer of a French passport during a period of twelve months from the date of issue of the visa shall be two dollars and seventy-five cents United States currency, or approximate equivalent in francs; provided the passport remains valid during that period and that the non- immigrant status of the bearer of the passport is maintained. The passport visa applied for will be granted and the length of sojourn determined in accordance with existing regulations. A second visa, subject to the same conditions, and provided the passport remains valid, will be issued gratis if applied for by the date of expiration of the original visa or withm one year thereafter, provided that the validity of such visa shall not exceed one year nor extend beyond two years from the date on which the original visa was issued. (c)-The fee for transit visas issued to American citizens by French Consuls, to be valid fifteen days, will be ten francs. (d)-The fee for transit visas to be granted to bearers of French passports by American Consuls will be fifty cents United States currency, or approximate equivalent in francs. (e)-No visa fees shall be collected from American or French members of delegations representing war veterans organizations temporarily visiting the United States or France. (f)-The aforementioned agreement shall become effective January 15, 1938. Agreement with France respecting passport visa fees.