Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/308

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.--C. 180-APR . 27, 1938 may prescribe, of their families and effects, in going to and returning from their posts; preparation and transportation of remains of officers and employees who may die abroad or in transit while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in the United States, or to a place not more distant for interment and for the ordinary expenses of such interment; including travel expenses of officers and employees of the court and of their dependents, while en route to or from places of temporary refuge in time of war, political disturbance, earthquake, epidemic, or similar emergency; the expense of maintaining in China American convicts and persons declared insane by the court, rent of quarters for prisoners, ice and drinking water for prison purposes, including wages of prison keepers, and the expense of keeping, feeding, and transporting pris- oners and persons declared insane by the court, $51,000. SALARIES OF JUDGES For salaries of fifty circuit judges; one hundred and seventy-two district judges (including two in the Territory of Hawaii, one m the Territory of Puerto Rico, four in the Territory of Alaska, and one in the Virgin Islands); and judges retired under section 260 of the Judicial Code, as amended, and section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1930; in all, $2,593,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for the salaries of all United States justices and circuit and district judges lawfully entitled thereto, whether active or retired. MARSHALS9 AND OTHER EXPENSES OF UNITED STATES COUMTS Salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth: For salaries, fees, and expenses of United States marshals and their deputies, includ- ing services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, services in Alaska in collecting evidence for the United States when so specifically directed by the Attorney General, traveling expenses, purchase, when authorized by the Attorney General, of ten motor- propelled passenger-carrying vans at not to exceed $2,000 each, and maintenance, alteration, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles used in connection with the transaction of the official business of the United States marshals, $3,634,440: Provided, That United States marshals and their deputies may be allowed, in lieu of actual expenses of transportation, not to exceed 3 cents per mile for the use of their own automobiles for transpor- tation when traveling on official business within the limits of their official station. Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, and so forth: For salaries and expenses of United States district attorneys and their regular assistants, clerks and other employees, including the office expenses of United States district attorneys in Alaska, and for salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States district attor- neys for services rendered during vacancy in the office of the United States district attorney, $3,010,000. Salaries and expenses of special attorneys, and so forth: For compensation of special attorneys and assistants to the Attorney General and to United States district attorneys employed by the Attorney General to aid in special cases, and for payment of foreign counsel employed by the Attorney General in special cases, $613,600, no part of which, except for payment of foreign counsel, shall be used to pay the compensation of any persons except attorneys duly licensed and authorized to practice under the laws of a State, Terri- tory, or the District of Columbia: Provided, That the amount paid as compensation out of the funds herein appropriated to any person 267 Transportation of remains of officers, etc, dying abroad. Maintenance of pris- oners and insane. Salaries of judges. Retired judges. 28 U. S.0. §375. 46 Stat. 737. 19U.S. C . §i18. Proeiso. Availability. United States Courts. Marshals, etc. Salaries and ex- penses. Services in Alaska. Praio. Transportation al- lowance. District attorneys, etc. Salaries and ex- penses. Special attorneys, etc. Salaries and ex- penses. Foreign counsel. Provisos. Compensation limi- tation.