Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/309

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 180 --APR. 27, 1938 employed hereunder shall not exceed the rate of $10,000 per annum: ReportstoCongress. Provided further, That reports be submitted to the Congress on the 1st day of July and January showing the names of the persons employed hereunder, the annual rate of compensation or amount of any fee paid to each together with a description of their duties. Clerks f ourts Salaries and expenses, clerks of courts: For salaries of clerks of penses. United States circuit courts of appeals and United States district courts, their deputies, and other assistants, and expenses of conduct- Fees of comission- ing their respective offices, $2,191,140. ers, etc. Fees of commissioners: For fees of the United States commissioners R. S. 1014. and other committing magistrates acting under section 1014, Revised 18U.S .C . 591. Statutes (18 U. S . C. 591), $300,000. Jurorsandwitnesses Fees of jurors and witnesses: For mileage and per diems of jurors; Fees, mileage, per diems, etc. for mileage and per diems of witnesses and for per diems in lieu of Antep.27 . subsistence; and for payment of the expenses of witnesses, as pro- B.S. t 04. vided by section 850, Revised Statutes (28 U. S. C. 604), including the expenses, mileage, and per diems of witnesses on behalf of the Government before the United States Customs Court, such pay- ments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the United . S. s46. States and to be conclusive as provided by section 846, Revised rProvS/o. Statutes (28 U. S . C . 577), $3,408,000: Provided, That not to exceed Authorization, etca. $25,000 of this amount shall be available for such compensation and expenses of witnesses or informants as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, which approval shall be conclusive: Pro- Attendance fee, lim- vided further, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be itation. tation. used to pay any witness more than one attendance fee for any one calendar day, which fee shall not exceed $1.50. Bailis, etc.nd Salaries and expenses of bailiffs, and so forth: For bailiffs, not pensies a exceeding three bailiffs in each court, except in the southern district of New York and the northern district of Illinois; meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases, and of bailiffs in attendance upon ury expenses. the same, when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for Alaska. jurors in Alaska, as provided by section 193, title II, of the Act of 31 Stat. 362. June 6, 1900 (28 U. S . C . 9, 557-570, 595, 596), and compensation for 557-570, 505, 96. jury commissioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any uryomissos . one term of court, $271,660: Provided,That, excepting in the case of Per diems, limita- bailiffs in charge of juries over Sundays and holidays, no per diem tion on payment. shall be paid to any bailiff unless the court is actually in session and the judge present and presiding or present in chambers: Proviled Useoffundslimted. further, That none of this appropriation shall be used for the pay of bailiffs when deputy marshals or marshals are available for the duties ordinarily executed by bailiffs, the fact of unavailability to be deter- mined by the certificate of the marshal. Miscellaneous sala- Miscellaneous salaries: For salaries of all officials and employees ries. of the Federal judiciary, not otherwise specifically provided for, rovisos. $737,650: Provided, That the maximum salary paid to any stenogra- clerks, salary limita- pher or law clerk to any circuit or district judge shall not exceed tion. 2 t hti Present stenogra- $2,500 per annum: Provided frther, That this limitation shall not phers not affected. operate to reduce the compensation of any stenographer now employed. Miscellaneous ex- Miscellaneous expenses (other than salaries): For such miscel- pensx laneous expenses as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, for the United States courts and their officers, including experts, and notarial fees or like services and stenographic work in taking depositions, at such rates of compensation as may be author- ized or approved by the Attorney General, so much as may be neces- sary in the discretion of the Attorney General for such expenses in Alaska. the District of Alaska, the Court of Claims, and in courts other than Federal courts; patent applications and contested proceedings involv- [52 STAT.