Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/641

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PUBLIC LAWS--CI. 309-JUNE 1, 1938 Court orders. "If the court shall find that the child comes within the provisions. of this Act, it may by order duly entered proceed as follows: Probation, etc. "(1) Place the child on probation or under supervision in his own home or in the custody of a relative or other fit person, upon such terms as the court shall determine. Commitments. "(2) Commit the child to the Board of Public Welfare; or to the National Training School for Girls or the National Training School for Boys if in need of such care as is given in such schools; or to a qualified suitable private institution or agency willing and able to assume the education, care, and maintenance of such child without expense to the public. Furtherdisposition. "(3) Make such further disposition of the child as may be pro- vided by law and as the court may deem to be best for the best Removal of child interests of the child: Provided, That nothing herein shall be con- from parents only strued as authorizing the removal of the child from the custody of hen ondditions de- his parents unless his welfare and the safety and protection of the public cannot be adequately safeguarded without such removal. Support ochild. "Whenever a child is committed by the court to custody other than that of its parent, the court may, after giving the parent a reasonable opportunity to be heard, adjudge that such parent shall pay in such manner as the court may direct such sum as will cover in whole or in Refusaltoprovide. part the support of such child, and if such parent shall willfully fail or refuse to pay such sum, he may be proceeded against as pro- vided by law for cases of desertion or failure to provide subsistence. Information to ac- "Whenever the court shall commit a child to any institution or company order of com- mitment. agency it shall transmit with the order of commitment a summary of its information concerning such child. dimsition of civil "No adjudication upon the status of any child in the jurisdiction of the court shall operate to impose any of the civil disabilities ordi- narily imposed by conviction, nor shall any child be deemed a criminal by reason of such adjudication, nor shall such adjudication be deemed a conviction of a crime, nor shall any child be charged with or convicted of a crime in any court, except as provided in Admissibilityofevi- section 13 of this Act. The disposition of a child or any evidence court. given in the court shall not be admissible as evidence against the child in any case or proceeding in any other court, nor shall such Use of to disqupaify disposition, or evidence or adjudication operate to disqualify a child ment. in any future civil-service examination, appointment, or application for public service under either the Government of the United States or of the District of Columbia. Modification of "SEc. 15 . MODIFICATION OF JUDGMENT; RETURN OF CHILD TO PAR- judgment. ENTs. -An order of commitment or probation made by the court in the case of a child shall be subject to modification or revocation from time to time. Return of cparent, guardian, or next friend of a child wo has been com- parents, etc. mitted by the court to the custody of an institution, agency, or per- son, may at any time file with the court a verified petition, making application for modification or revocation of an order of commit- ment or probation, stating that such institution, agency, or person has denied application for the release of the child or has failed to act upon such application within a reasonable time. If the court is of the opinion that an investigation should be had, it may, upon due notice to all concerned, proceed to hear and determine the ques- tion at issue. It may thereupon order that such child be restored to the custody of its parent or guardian or be retained in the custody of the institution, agency, or person; and may direct such institution, agency, or person to make such other arrangements for the child's care and welfare as the circumstances of the case may require; or the court may make a further order or commitment. 600 [52 STAT.