Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/74

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 30-FEB. 16, 1938 "(2) In the case of wheat, the allotment to any county shall be apportioned annually by the Secretary, through the local committees, among the farms within such county on the basis of tillable acres, crop-rotation practices, type of soil, and topography. Not more than 3 per centum of such county allotment shall be apportioned to farms on which wheat has not been planted during any of the three market- ing years immediately preceding the marketing year in which the allotment is made. "(3) In the case of corn, the allotment to any county shall be apportioned annually by the Secretary, through the local committees, among the farms within such county on the basis of tillable acreage, type of soil, topography, and crop-rotation practices. "(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, if, for any reason other than flood or drought, the acreage of wheat, cotton, corn, or rice planted on the farm is less than 80 per centum of the farm acreage allotment for such commodity for the purpose of payment, such farm acreage allotment shall be 25 per centum in excess of such planted acreage. "(5) In determining normal yield per acre on any farm under this section in the case of wheat or corn, the normal yield shall be the average yield per acre thereon for such commodity during the ten calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which such yield is determined, adjusted for abnormal weather conditions and trends in yields. If for any reason there is no actual yield, or the data therefor are not available for any year, then an appraised yield for such year, determined in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, shall be used. If, on account of drought, flood, insect pests, plant disease, or other uncontrollable natural cause, the yield in any year of such ten-year period is less than 75 per centum of the average (computed without regard to such year), such year shall be eliminated in calculating the normal yield per acre. "(d) Any payment or grant of aid made under subsection (b) shall be conditioned upon the utilization of the land, with respect to which such payment is made, in conformity with farming practices which the Secretary finds tend to effectuate any one or more of the purposes specified in clause (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of section 7 (a). "Any payment made under subsection (b) with respect to any farm (except for lands which the Secretary determines should not be utilized for the harvesting of crops but should be permanently used for grazing purposes only) shall, if the number of cows kept on such farm, and in the county in which such farm is located, for the production of milk or products thereof (for market), exceeds the normal number of such cows, be further conditioned upon the utilization of the land, with respect to which such payment is made so that soil-building and soil-conserving crops planted or produced on an acreage equal to the land normally used for the production of soil-depleting crops but, as a condition of such payment, not permitted to be so used, shall be used for the purpose of building and conserving the fertility of the soil, or for the production of agricultural commodities to be consumed on the farm, and not for market. Whenever it is determined that a county, as a whole, is in substantial compliance with the provisions of this paragraph, no payment shall be denied any individual farmer in the county by reason of this paragraph; and no payment shall be denied a farmer by reason of this paragraph unless it has been determined that the farmer has not substantially complied with the provisions of this paragraph. Whenever the Secretary finds that by reason of drought, flood, or other disaster, a shortage of feed exists in any area, he shall so declare, and to the extent and for the period he finds 36525-38- --3 33 Wheat. Corn. Acreage planted less than allotment. Wheat or corn, nor- mal yield determina- tion. Post, pp. 204, 205. Appraisal, if no ac- tual yield. Yield less than 75 percent due to drought, etc. Payments condi- tioned upon conform- ing to prescribed prac- tices. Permanent grazing lands. Soil-building, etc. , crops. Payments where county complies with provisions. Shortage of feed due to drought, etc.