Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/75

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30 -FEB . 16, 1938 Term "for market" defined. Farm consumption excluded; term con- strued. Investigations of ad- verse effects of pro- grams on livestock, etc., producers. Reductions and in- creases in payments under soil conserva- tion program. 3 n I t c c necessary to relieve such shortage, the operation of the condition provided in this paragraph shall be suspended in such area and, if necessary to relieve such shortage, in other areas defined by him. As used in this paragraph, the term 'for market' means for disposi- tion by sale, barter, or exchange, or by feeding (in any form) to dairy livestock which, or the products of which, are to be sold, bartered, or exchanged; and such term shall not include consumption on the farm. An agricultural commodity shall be deemed consumed on the farm if consumed by the farmer's family, employees, or house- hold, or if fed to poultry or livestock other than dairy livestock on his farm; or if fed to dairy livestock on his farm and such dairy livestock, or the products thereof, are to be consumed by his family, employees, or household. Whenever the Secretary has reason to believe the income of producers of livestock (other than dairy cattle) or poultry in any area from such sources is being adversely affected by increases in the supply for market of such livestock or poultry, as the case may be, arising as a result of programs carried out under this Act, he shall make an investigation with respect to the existence of such facts. If, upon investigation, the Secretary finds that the income of producers of such livestock or poultry, as the case may be, in any area from any such source is being adversely affected by such increases, he shall, as soon as practicable, make such provisions in the administration of this Act with respect to the use of diverted acres as he may find necessary to protect the interests of producers of such livestock or poultry in the affected area." REDUCTIONS AND INCREASES IN PAYMENTS UNDER SOIL CONSERVATION PROGRAM 29.tat.l49;50stat SEC. 102. Section 8 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- 6 .fi 5S.C . , Supp. ment Act, as amended, is further amended by adding a new sub- section as follows: nenitsieween lan: "(e) Payments made by the Secretary to farmers under subsection ords, tenants, etc. (b) shall be divided among the landlords, tenants, and sharecroppers of any farm, with respect to which such payments are made, in the same proportion that such landlords, tenants, and sharecroppers are entitled to share in the proceeds of the agricultural commodity Exceptions. with respect to which such payments are made, except that payments based on soil-building or soil-conserving practices shall be divided in proportion to the extent which such landlords, tenants, and share- Direct payments. croppers contribute to the carrying out of such practices. Such payments shall be paid by the Secretary directly to the landlords, Rates to Si n rmit set- tenants, or sharecroppers entitled thereto, and shall be computed at ing aside funds to overspecified in- rates which will permit the Secretary to set aside out of the funds rass available for the making of such payments for each year an amount sufficient to permit the increases herein specified to be made within Range of increased the limits of the funds so available. If with respect to any farm the total payment to any person for any year would be: "(1) Not more than $20, the payment shall be increased by 40 per centum; "(2) More than $20 but not more than $40, the payment shall be increased by $8, plus 20 per centum of the excess over $20; "(3) More than $40 but not more than $60, the payment shall be increased by $12, plus 10 per centum of the excess over $40; "(4) More than $60 but not more than $186, the payment shall be increased by $14; or "(5) More than $186 but less than $200, the payment shall be increased to $200. 34 [52 STAT.