Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/757

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 44 -JUNE 16, 1938 supervision as the additional appropriations made by the Act of 7sstat. 372;45tat. May 8, 1914 (7 U. S . C. 341-348), entitled "An Act to provide for 7U. S. C. 341-348. cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving benefits of an Act of Congress 2StCat.0 308. approved July 2, 1862 (7 U. S. C . 301-308), and of Acts supple- mentary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture", Use of funds. $395,000; and all sums appropriated by this Act for use for demon- stration or extension work within any State shall be used and expended in accordance with plans mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the proper officials of the college in such State which receives the benefits of said Act of May 8, 1914: L tiono ex- Provided, That of the above appropriation not more than $300,000 penditure. shall be expended for purposes other than salaries of county agents. Fwither cooperation Capper-Ketcham extension work: To enable the Secretary of Agri- culture to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act entitled 'An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the 372stat. ;3 8stat. benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts', approved July 2, 1862 stat . 13 (7 U. S . C . 301-308), and all Acts supplementary thereto, and the 7 U.S. C. it 301-3, 343a,343b. United States Department of Agriculture", approved May 22, 1928 (7 U. S. C. 343a, 343b), $1,480,000. agri r extension Extension work, section 21, Bankhead-Jones Act: To enable the work. Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions of section 7 9U. sC:, upp. 21, title II, of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for research into mI, 343c. basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant col- Aleges", approved June 29, 1935 (7 U. S. C . 343c), $11,000,000. 5Alasa125. Alaska: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect 7 U.S .C . 1o38c. the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the benefits Benefits of desig- nated acts extended of the Hatch Act and the Smith-Lever Act to the Territory of to. Alaska", approved February 23, 1929 (7 U. S . C . 386c), $13,918; and the provisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the benefits of the Adams Act, the Purnell Act, and the Capper- 49 Stat. 1554 . 7 U. S. C., Supp. Ketcham Act to the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes" III, 343e. approved June 20, 1936 (7 U. S . C . 343e), $7,500; in all, for Alaska, $21,418. Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into 7 U. S. C., Supp. effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the bene- "I, 3. fits of section 21 of the Bankhead-Jones Act to Puerto Rico" approved August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 881), $45,000. Additional cooper- Additional cooperative extension work: For additional cooperative aie exteon workagricultural extension work, including employment of specialists in economics and marketing, to be allotted and paid by the Secretary of Agriculture to the several States and the Territory of Hawaii in such amounts as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, $275,000. Tota l. In all, payments to States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico for agricultural extension work, $13,216,418. General adminis- trative expenses. Farmers' coopera- tive demonstration work. SALARIES AND EXPENSES General administrative expenses: For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including personal services in the District of Columbia, $126,246. Farmers' cooperative demonstration work: For farmers' coopera- tive demonstration work, including special suggestions of plans and [52 STAT.