Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/838

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 633-AUG. 9, 1939 41 Stat. 450. 30 U. S. C. §191. Proviso. Limitation. 48 Stat. 1227. 31 U.S.C. §725c. Indian supplies, purchase and trans- portation. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, N.C. Purchase of land, etc., from tribalfunds. Proviso. Title to land, etc. Colville Indians, Wash. Purchase of land, etc., from tribal funds. Proviso. Title to land, etc. Colville Indians, Wash. Construction of homes, purchase of seed, equipment, etc. Advances to old, etc., Indians. Conditions. Ante, p. 697. San Carlos project, Ariz. Operation and maintenance. Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, N. Mex. Maintenance assess- ments, etc. Irrigation systems on Indian reserva- tions. Act, to be expended by the State in the same manner as if received under section 35 of the Act approved February 25, 1920 (30 U. S. C. 191), fiscal year 1939, $2,115.71: Provided, That expenditures here- under shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treas- ury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS GENERAL EXPENSES Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For an additional amount for expenses of purchase and transportation of goods and supplies for the Indian Service, for the following fiscal years: For 1936, $16,000; For 1937, $4,000; For 1938, $50,000. INDIAN LANDS Purchase of land for Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina (tribal funds): For the purchase of land and improvements thereon for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, fiscal year 1940, $5,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians: Provided,That title to any land or improvements so purchased shall be taken in the name of the United States in trust for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Purchase of land for Colville Indians, Washington (tribal funds): For the purchase of land and improvements thereon for the Colville Indians, Washington, fiscal year 1940, to remain available until June 30,1941, $100,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Colville Indians: Provided, That title to any land and improvements so purchased shall be taken in the name of the United States in trust for the Colville Indians. INDUSTRIAL ASSISTANCE AND ADVANCEMENT Industrial assistance (tribal funds): For an additional amount for the construction of homes for individual members of the Colville tribe of Indians, Washington; for advances to them for the purchase of seed, animals, machinery, implements, building material, and other equipment and supplies; and for advances to old, disabled, or indi- gent Indians for their support and burial, and Indians having irri- gable allotments to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof, fiscal year 1940, $100,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Colville Indians; subject to the same conditions specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1940. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Operation and maintenance, San Carlos irrigation project, Gila River Reservation, Arizona: For the operation and maintenance of the San Carlos project for the irrigation of lands in the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, including $75,000 for the power sys- tem, fiscal year 1940, $125,000, reimbursable. Maintenance assessments, Indian lands, Middle Rio Grande Con- servancy District, New Mexico (reimbursable): For an additional amount for operation and maintenance assessments on newly reclaimed Indian lands within the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, fiscal year 1938, $2,843. Irrigation systems on Indian reservations: For an additional amount for the construction, repair, and rehabilitation of irrigation systems on Indian reservations, fiscal year 1940, including the same objects and limitations specified under the appropriation for this 1314 [53 STAT.