Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1399

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Utah-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Provo River project, construction_- Zion National Park---------------- Utah General Depot, appropriation for ac- quisition of land------------------ Ute Mountain Hospital, Colo., appropria- tion for----------------------- Ute Mountain Indians, Colo., appropria- tion for purchase of land---------- Utes, Confederated Bands of, appropria- tion for purchase of land----------- Page 436 448 362 426 415 415 Vessels-Continued. Page Foreign railroads, operation of vessels entering U. S------------------- 304 Transportation of merchandise be- tween U. S . ports, restriction - 305 Insurance, marine war-risk and marine- risk, provision for -------------- 689 Appropriation for ---------------- 766 Laws or emergency regulations, penalty for violation-------------------- 79 Maintenance of essential, affected by Neutrality Act of 1939 ---------- 684 Availability of funds-------------- 686 Manifests, clearances, etc., repeal of cer- tain laws pertaining to, in coastal shipping ------------

254 Maritime Commission contracts, sus- pension of 8-hour-day provisions-- 1092 Merchant vessels-- American, restriction on arming of--- 7 Armed foreign, use of U. S. ports and territorial waters -------------- 9 Refugee children, evacuation from war zones ------------------------- 866 Salvaging operations, use of foreign ves- sels restricted------------------- 305 Stowaways on, punishment ---------- 306 Aiding, etc.; penalty--------------- 306 Towing between U. S . ports, by foreign vessels; penalty----------------- 304 Veterans. See also Veterans' Administra- tion; World War Veterans. Benefits- Apportionment of----------------- 1195 Exemption from set-off under certain claims----------------------- 1195 Burial allowances-------------- 1193, 1195 Claims for reimbursement --------- 1194 China Relief Expedition, award of pen- sions, determination of period of active service ----------------- 301 V Valdosta, Ga., bridge authorized across Withlacoochee River at----------- Vanderbilt Historical Monument, N. Y., limitation on expenditure for main- tenance ------------------------ Vegetable Crops and Diseases, appropria- tion for investigations ----------- Vehicles, Private, use for official travel-- Venereal Diseases, Division of. See Public Health Service. Venezuela, appropriation for ambassador to --------------------------- Vermont: Fort Ethan Allen, appropriation for ac- quisition of land----------------- Hurricane damage project- Appropriation for reduction of forest- fire hazard------------------- Tools, etc., transfer to State author- ized------------------------ Vessels. See also Merchant Marine Act, 1936; Motorboats; Naval Vessels; Navigation; Seamen; Transportation Act of 1940. American, commerce with states en- gaged in armed conflict--------- American republics, construction for, authorized --------------------- Anchorage light requirements. ---- ---. Belligerent states, travel of U. S . citizens on, restriction------------------ Bills of health not required of certain - Civilian nautical schools, inspection, etc--------------------------- Certificates of inspection ---------- Penalty for violating regulations---- Damage claims for injuries to, oc- casioned by operation of Panama Canal, adjustment of ----------- Dangerous cargoes, regulation of car- riage of---------------------- Foreign, use of American flag, etc., un- lawful----------------------- Foreign-construction costs, determina- tion---,------------------ 1223 448 544 167 183 361 54E 1211 89( 15( 747 347 34' 34' 38' 102: 1 Claims- Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, finality of decisions ---------- Disclosure of information ---------- Deceased, payment of burial and funeral expenses ----------------- --- D. C . income tax, exclusion of benefit payments from gross income------ Grave markers, furnishing of, by Secre- tary of War, for use in certain ceme- teries------------------------ Hospitalization, etc. - Foreign residents, restriction------- Indigent patients, payment of travel expenses of------------------- Insignia of organizations, unlawful use of; penalty_----- ------------ Naturalization of---. . .

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,- 1197 1197 963 39 142 1195 1194 571 1149 INDEX OXXIX 4 301 ..