Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1400

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Veterans-Continued. Page Pensions, increase in rates for certain, of Regular Establishment -------- 237 Philippine Insurrection, award of pen- sions, determination of period of active service ------------------ 301 Property of U. S . Government, unlaw- ful purchase from --------------- 171 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, amendment, inclusion of military service for annuity purposes ----- 1014 Spanish-American War- Appropriation for payment of claims -------------------- 104, 666 Pensions, award of, determination of period of active service -------- 301 Relief of certain volunteers held in service after Apr. 11, 1899------ 176 Appropriation for ----------- 667, 1056 United Spanish War Veterans, in- corporation _------------------- 152 Veterans' Administration. See also Veter- ans; World War Veterans. Appropriation for --------------- 139, 635 Administration, medical, hospital, and domiciliary services ----------- 139 Audited claims-------------------- 1052 Damage claims ---------------- 92, 656 Hospital and domiciliary facilities - 140, 635 Judgments---------------- 94, 658, 1048 Military and naval insurance ------- 140 Pensions ------------------------ 140 Printing and binding -------------- 140 Butter substitutes, restriction on pur- chase --------------------- 141 Checks drawn against U. S . funds, regu- lation of foreign delivery -------- 1086 Coatesville, Pa., transfer of certain land at, to Pennsylvania Railroad Co., authorized ---------------------- 37 Hospitalization, etc., restrictions --- 141, 635 Insurance policies of persons in military service, restrictions on lapse, for- feiture, etc ------------------- 1183 Interior Department, transfer of funds to, authorized------------------- 140 Los Angeles, Calif., grant of easement for sidewalk purposes to county of- _ 965 Medical consultants, employment au- thorized ----------------------- 140 Memphis, Tenn., grant to, of easement for street-widening purposes ------ 964 National Archives, transfer of funds to, authorized---------------------- 634 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. See under Revenue Act of 1940, Second. - Navy Department, transfer of funds to, authorised------------- --- 14C Veterans' Administration-Continued. New construction, use of funds for, for- bidden ------------------------ Patients in naval hospitals, additional details for care of_______ -

Public Health Service, transfer of funds to, authorized ------------------ Purchases without advertising-------- Reduced fare requests, funds available for---------------------------- State, etc., homes, aid to------------ Tobacco, purchase authorized -------- Travel allowance, certain beneficiaries and attendants-------------- Tuskegee, Ala., exchange of certain lands at, with Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, author- ized ------------------------ War Department, transfer of funds to, authorized _-- --_- --- -- --- --- --- World War emergency officers, continu- ance of retirement pay; adjudica- tion of claims, etc ------------ World War provisional, etc., officers, ex- tension of certain disability retire- ment benefits to-----_ _ - -- __- - Veterans of Foreign Wars, loan or gift of condemned ordnance, etc., to ----- Veterans Reserve, Sons of, loan or gift of condemned ordnance, etc., to-____-- Vice President of the United States: Appointments by, to University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Com- mission --- _--- _-_ -- _------- Appropriation for- Compensation -------- _.---___-- Office of the ----------------- . -- - Member of University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Commission---__ - -- Vickery, Howard L. (Comdr.), holding of office as member of Maritime Com- mission authorized - _ -- __--___ - Vicksburg National Military Park, Miss., acceptance of property donations au- thorized-------- ---- __--_---- Village Delivery Service, appropriation for--- -- -------- --------- -. Vinson Act, suspension of profit-limiting provisions----- ___..------___- Virgin Islands: Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment station and vocational school------------- American seamen, relief of ship- wrecked------------ - -_____-- Governor, etc., salaries--________- St. Croix, deficit of municipal govern- ment .--------- ___--- -___- - St., John, deficit of municipal govern- ment-- _ .----.. _...._ .. - - - Page 140 277 140 1109 140 140 140 49 51 140 760 762 491 491 492 112 462 492 958 1061 73 1003 459 186 458 459 459 INDEX CXXX