Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/26

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Act Res. 754 ----- De Soto National Forest, Miss. AN ACT To provide for the transfer of certain land in the De Soto National Forest to the Secretary of War for use for military purposes ---------- 755 ----- Travel, U. S. AN ACT To encourage travel in the United States, and for other purposes -----


756 ----- Boulder Dam, electrical energy. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to promulgate and to put into effect charges for electrical energy generated at Boulder Dam, providing for the application of revenues from said project, authorizing the operation of the Boulder Power Plant by the United States directly or through agents, and for other purposes--------

757 ---- Navy, vessels. AN ACT To establish the composition of the United States Navy, to authorize the construction of certain naval vessels, and for other purposes ------------------ 758 --- Regular Army, Panama Canal and Hawaii. AN ACT To pro- vide for the rank and title of lieutenant general of the Regular Army in the military departments of Panama and Hawaii-- -- __ -_-___---______ _____--. .---------- 95 Tennessee Valley Authority. JOINT RESOLUTION Mak- ing an additional appropriation for the Tennessee Valley Authority for the fiscal year 1941 to provide facilities to expedite the national defense-------------------------- 759------ Commodity Credit Corporation. AN ACT To increase the credit resources of Commodity Credit Corporation --- _-_ 760 ----- Sitka, Alaska, public utilities. AN ACT To authorize the incorporated town of Sitka, Alaska, to purchase and enlarge certain public utilities and for such purpose to issue bonds in the sum of $200,000 in excess of present statutory debt limit--


761 ----- Bridge, Monongahela River. AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of bridges across the Monongahela River in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania ---. .--

--- --- 762 --- U. S. District Court, T. H ., jurisdiction. AN ACT To extend the jurisdiction of the United States District Court, Terri- tory of Hawaii, over the Midway Islands, Wake Island, Johnston Island, Sand Island, Kingman Reef, Kure Island, Baker Island, Howland Island, and Jarvis Island, and for other purposes ------------ -..

763 ----- Chopawamsic recreationaldemonstration project. AN ACT To provide for the operation of the recreational facilities within the Chopawamsic recreational demonstration project, near Dumfries, Virginia, by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service, and for other purposes ------- 764 ----- Coal-mining operations. AN ACT To provide for more uni- form coverage of certain persons employed in coal-mining operations with respect to insurance benefits provided for by certain Federal Acts, and for other purposes----------- 765 ----- Marjorie Park, Tampa, Fla. AN ACT To authorize the con- struction of certain facilities in Marjorie Park, Davis Island, Tampa, Florida, and for other purposes----------- 766 --. _ TransportationAct of 1920, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Transportation Act, 1920, as amended -


767 ----- Army, enlisted men, protection. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the protection of certain enlisted men of the Army", approved August 19, 1937, and for other purposes ------ --


768 ----- Investment companies and investment advisers. AN ACT To provide for the registration and regulation of investment companies and investment advisers, and for other purposes_ 769 ----- Minnesota, land patent. AN ACT Relating to the issuance by the Secretary of the Interior of a patent to the State of Minnesota for certain lands in that State ----------__ -__ 770 ----- Immigration Service, overtime services. AN ACT To provide for the deposit of certain collections for overtime immigra- tion services to the credit of the appropriation chargeable with the payment for such services, and for other purposes- 96 National defense, reserve components. JOINT RESOLUTION To strengthen the common defense and to authorize the President to order members and units of reserve components and retired personnel of the Regular Army into active mili- tary service. ......._--_ - - -- Date July 19, 1940-- July 19, 1940- July 19,1940___ July 19,1940-- July 31,1940 -_ July 31, 1940-- Aug. 9,1940_- Aug. 9 , 1940-- Aug. 9 , 1940--- Aug. 13, 1940-- Aug. 13, 1940--- Aug. 13, 1940_ - Aug. 13, 1940--- Aug. 13, 1940--. Aug. 16, 1940--_ Aug. 22, 1940-. . Aug. 22, 1940--_ Aug. 22, 1940- __ Aug. 27,1940--- 858 Page 773 773 774 779 781 781 782 782 784 784 785 785 787 788 788 789 858 858 xxvi