Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/27

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Act Res. 771 ----- National parks, photographs. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to furnish mats for the reproduction in magazines and newspapers of photographs of national park scenery ------------------ ___-______.-______ 772 ----- Florida, lands. AN ACT Granting to certain claimants the preference right to purchase certain public lands in the State of Florida- --------------------------------- .-- -.- -- 773 ----- Strawberry Water Users' Association, Payson, Utah. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept payment of an annual equitable overhead charge in con- nection with the repayment contract between the United States and the Strawberry Water Users' Association of Payson, Utah, in full satisfaction of delinquent billings upon the basis of an annual fixed overhead charge, and for other purposes ---------------------- _--- --- --- --- -.-- --- --- 774 ----- Foreign mail by aircraft. AN ACT Relating to transportation of foreign mail by aircraft ------------------ _-________ 775 ----- Naval Aviation Personnel Act of 1940. AN ACT Increasing the number of naval aviators in the line of the Regular Navy and Marine Corps, and for other purposes- -------------- 776 ----- Neutrality Act of 1939, amendment. AN ACT To permit American vessels to assist in the evacuation from the war zones of certain refugee children -_ - -- .- - __ -- -- _-- 777 ----- Greenlee County, Ariz. AN ACT For the relief of the Greenlee County Board of Supervisors-------------------- 778 ----- Beaufort, S. C. AN ACT To provide for the transfer of the duplicates of certain books in the Library of Congress to the Beaufort Library of Beaufort, South Carolina-------- 779 ----- Midshipmen, U. S . Naval Academy. AN ACT To increase the number of midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy .

__ . -- ___ .______ 780 ----- Federal Highway Act of 1940. AN ACT To amend the Federal Aid Act, approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and for other purposes ------------------- 781 ----- Second Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941. AN ACT Making supplemental appropriations for the national defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and for other purposes-----------------_ - _- -_-_ -_ _---- 782 ----- Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. AN ACT To amend the Act approved March 4, 1925, entitled "An Act pro- viding for sundry matters affecting the naval service, and for other purposes", as amended ---------- _------- 97 Jesse H. Jones. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize Jesse H. Jones, Federal Loan Administrator, to be appointed to, and to perform the duties of, the Office of Secretary of Commerce ------------------------ .-- ---

___ __ .. 783 ----- Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. AN ACT To provide for the common defense by increasing the personnel of the armed forces of the United States and providing for its training ------------------ . . ... 784 ----- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, loans, etc. AN ACT To authorize the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans for the development of deposits of strategic and critical minerals which in the opinion of the Corporation would be of value to theUnited States in time of war, and to authorize the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make more adequate loans for mineral developmental purposes --------------- 785 ----- TransportationAct of 1940. AN ACT To amend the Act to regulate commerce, approved February 4, 1887, as amended, so as to provide for unified regulation of carriers by railroad, motor vehicle, and water, and for other purposes- -------- 786 ----- Navy, public works. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes ------------------------- 787 ----- National City, Calif., lands. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to accept on behalf of the United States certain lands in the city of National City, California- 98 Comdr. Howard L. Vickery. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize Commander Howard L. Vickery to hold the office of a member of the United States Maritime Commission - - 99 Military Establishment, additional appropriations. JOINT RESOLUTION Making additional appropriations for the Military Establishment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941----.---------------------------------------- Date Aug. 27, 1940_ -- Aug. 27, 1940-_ _ Aug. 27, 1940--- Aug. 27, 1940--- Aug. 27, 1940--- Aug. 27, 1940 -- Aug. 27, 1940-- _ Aug. 30, 1940--- Sept. 4, 1940-_- Sept. 5, 1940--- Sept. 9, 1940--- Sept. 11, 1940--- Sept. 13, 1940--- Sept. 16 , 1940--- Sept. 16, 1940--- Sept. 18 , 1940 -- Sept. 18 , 1940_ -- Sept. 21, 1940-- Sept. 24, 1940-_ _ Sept. 24, 1940___ 958 Page 861 861 862 862 864 866 866 867 867 867 872 884 885 885 897 898 956 956 958 xxvii . XXVn1