Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/66

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 27-FEB. 12, 1940 PAY OF CIVIL EMPLOYEES, MARINE CORPS Civil force. Pay of civil force: For an additional amount for personal services 7 in the District of Columbia, for temporary employees, as follows: Offices of the Major General Commandant and adjutant inspector, $19,200; Office of the paymaster, $4,320; Office of the quartermaster, $17,280; in all, $40,800. GENERAL EXPENSES, MARINE CORPS General expenses. For every expenditure requisite for, and incident to, the authorized Pot, p. 8. work of the Marine Corps, other than as appropriated for under the headings of pay and salaries, as follows: Provisions, etc. For an additional amount for provisions, subsistence, board, and 3 tat 776. lodging of enlisted men, recruits and recruiting parties, and appli- cants for enlistment; cash allowance for lodging and subsistence to enlisted men traveling on duty; ice, ice machines and their maintenance, $672,328; Clothing. For an additional amount for clothing for enlisted men, $1,500,000; Fuel, etc. For an additional amount for fuel, heat, light, and power, including sales to officers, $125 000; Miltary uppenlie For an additional amount for military supplies and equipment, 53Stat. 776. comprising the same objects specified under this head in the Navy Department and Naval Service Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1940, $2,474,500; Transportation. or an additional amount for transportation of troops and appli- cants for enlistment, comprising the same objects specified under this 53 Stat. 776 head in the Navy Department and Naval Service Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1940, $300,000; airackvem en'P" For an additional amount for repairs and improvements to bar- n t racks, comprising the same objects specified under this head in the 53 Stat. 777. Navy Department and Naval Service Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1940, $633,172, of which not to exceed $600,000 shall be available for the construction of temporary buildings; liesetcneous a p, For an additional amount for miscellaneous supplies, comprising the same objects specified under this head in the Navy Department 63rtat.7. . and Naval Service Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1940, $895,000; Limitation. In all, $6,600,000, to be accounted for as one fund: Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this additional appropriation for employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Depart- ment shall not exceed $85,000. NAVY DEPnATMENT RALARIES Temporary em- For an additional amount for compensation for personal services P6SYat. 779. in the District of Columbia, for temporary employees, as follows: Office of the Secretary of the Navy, $2,613; Office of Judge Advocate General, $4,000; Office of Chief of Naval Operations, $5,040; Office of Director of Naval Communications, $18,415; Office of Naval Intelligence, $21,000; Bureau of Navigation, $49,280; Hydrographic Office $25,000; Naval Observatory, $7,070; Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $67,120; Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $31,500; In all, salaries, Navy Department, $231,038. [54 STAT.