Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1441

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PROCLAMATIONS-SEPT. 11, 1939 T.35N., R.4W., sec.36,SY,. T.36N., R.1E., all. Tps. 36 N., Rs. 1, and 2 W., all. T. 36 N., R. 3W., sees. 1 to 4, inclusive; sees. 9 to 16, inclusive; sees. 21 to 28, inclusive; and sees. 33 to 36, inclusive. T.37N., R.1E., all. Tps. 37 N., Rs. 1, and 2 W., all. T. 37 N., R. 3 W., sees. 1 to 4, inclusive; sees. 9 to 16, inclusive; sees. 21 to 28, inclusive; and sees. 33 to 36, inclusive. T. 38 N., R. 1 E., sees. 19 to 21, inclusive; and sees. 28 to 33, inclusive. T. 38 N., R. 1 W., sees. 19 to 36, inclusive. T. 38 N., R. 2 W., sees. 19 to 36, inclusive. T. 38 N., R. 3 W., sees. 19 to 36, inclusive. The reservation made by this proclamation shall as to all lands which are at this date legally appropriated under the public-land laws or reserved for any public purpose other than classification, be subject to and shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation, or prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such appropriation is legally maintained or such reservation remains in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 11" day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, and [SEAL] of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-fourth. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State. Rights, etc. , re- served. GOLD STAR MOTHER'S DAY--1939 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Beptembet i im WHEREAS the preamble to Public Resolution 123, 74th Congress, Preambl. approved June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 1895), recites: V,ilu la. "Whereas the service rendered the United States by the American mother is the greatest source of the country's strength and inspira- tion; and "Whereas we honor ourselves and the mothers of America when we revere and give emphasis to the home as the fountainhead of the state; and "Whereas the American mother is doing so much for the home and for the moral and spiritual uplift of the people of the United States and hence so much for good government and humanity; and "Whereas the American Gold Star Mothers suffered the supreme sacrifice of motherhood in the loss of their sons and daughters m the World War;" AND WHEREAS the said Public Resolution 123 provides: "That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the Government officials to display the United States flag on all Government buildings, and 54 STAT.] 2659