Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/335

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELEC'OMMUNICATION-APR. 8, 1938 [651] (b) For stations on board aircraft for which radiotelegraph equipment is not made compulsory by international - agreements, an operator holding a special certificate covering the conditions contained in article 10, D, §6; [652] (c) For stations on board aircraft equipped with a low- power radiotelephone installation, an operator holding a radiotelephone operator's certificate covering the con- ditions contained in article 10, F, §8. ARTICLE 26 Order of Priority of Communications in the Mobile Service [653] The order of priority of radio communications in the mobile service shall be as follows: 1. Distress calls, distress messages, and distress traffic; 2. Communications preceded by an urgent signal; 3. Communications preceded by a safety signal; 4. Communications relative to radio direction-finding bearings; 5. Government radiotelegrams for which priority right has not been waived; 6. All other communications. ARTICLE 27 Indicationof the Station of Origin of Radiotelegrams [654] §1. When the name of a station is to be followed by the call signal of that station, because of homonymy, the latter shall be separated from the name of the station by a fraction bar. Example: Oregon/OZOC (and not Oregonozoc); Rose/DDOR (and not Roseddor). [655] §2. When reforwarding, over the communication channels of the general network, a radiotelegram received from a mobile station, the land station shall transmit, as the origin, the name of the mobile station where the radiotelegram originated, as that name is shown in the nomenclature, followed by the name of the said land station. If need be, the provisions of §1 [No. 654] shall also be applied. [656] §3. If it deems advisable, the land station may complete the indication of the mobile station of origin by the word "ship," or "air- plane," or "dirigible" placed before the name of the said station of origin, for the purpose of avoiding any confusion with a telegraph office or a fixed station having the same name. 1555 Ante, p. 1485. Ante, p. 1487. Communications in mobile service. Order of priority. Indication of sta tion of origin. ARTICLE 28 Routing of Radiotelegrams [657] §1. (1) As a general rule, a mobile station using type-A2, -A3. ega.g of radot or -B waves within the band 365 to 515 kc (822 to 583 m) shall send its radiotelegrams to the nearest land station. In order to accelerate or facilitate the transmission of radiotelegrams, it may, however, transmit them to another mobile station. The latter shall treat radio-