Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/453

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428 Proviso. 45 Stat. 701 . Provisos. Cooperation with Mexico. Post, p. 750. Post, p. 750 . 53 Stat. 959. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 267-JULY 1, 1941 [55 STAT. of State quarantines, $89,800: Provided, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed. Forest insects: For insects affecting forests and forest products, under section 4 of the Act approved May 22 1928 (16 U. S . C . 581c), entitled "An Act to insure adequate supplies of timber and other forest products for the people of the United States, to promote the full use for timber growing and other purposes of forest lands in the United States, including farm wood lots and those abandoned areas not suitable for agricultural production, and to secure the cor- relation and the most economical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture, through research in reforestation, timber growing, protection, utilization, forest economics, and related sub- jects", and for insects affecting ornamental trees and shrubs, $212,500. Truck crop and garden insects: For insects affecting truck crops, ornamental and garden plants, including tobacco, sugar beets, and greenhouse and bulbous crops, $366,580. Cereal and forage insects: For insects affecting cereal and forage crops, including sugarcane and rice, and including research on the European corn borer, $379,500. European corn borer control: For the control and prevention of spread of the European corn borer and for the certification of products out of the infested areas to meet the requirements of State quarantines on account of the European corn borer, $10,000. Barberry eradication: For the eradication of the common barberry and for applying such other methods of eradication, control, and prevention of spread of cereal rusts as in the judgment of the Secre- tary of Agriculture may be necessary to accomplish such purposes, $182,500: Provided,That, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agri- culture, no expenditures from this appropriation shall be made for these purposes until a sum or sums at least equal to such expendi- tures shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or contributed by States, counties, or local authorities, or by individuals or organiza- tions for the accomplishment of such purposes: Provided further, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of property injured or destroyed. Cotton insects: For insects affecting cotton, $144,544. Pink bollworm and Thurberia weevil control: For the control and prevention of spread of the Thurberia weevil and the pink bollworm, including the establishment of such cotton-free areas as may be necessary to stamp out any infestation, and for necessary surveys and control operations in Mexico in cooperation with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $526,800. Bee culture: For bee culture and apiary management, $83,000. Insects affecting man and animals: For insects affecting man, household possessions, and animals, $181,500. Insect-pest survey and identification: For the identification and classification of insects, including taxonomic, morphological, and related phases of insect-pest control and the maintenance of an insect-pest survey for the collection and dissemination of informa- tion to Federal, State, and other agencies concerned with insect-pest controlI $154,790. Foreign parasites: For administrative expenses in connection with the introduction of natural enemies of injurious insects and related pests and for the exchange with other countries of useful and bene- ficial insects and other arthropods, $38,000; and not to exceed $1,100 of the funds appropriated to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine for the fiscal year 1940 may be used to reimburse employees assigned to carry out investigations in Europe for expenses