Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/530

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS. -CH. 271-JULY 1, 1941 such transportation necessary, and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the Commissioners: Provided, That no passenger-carrying automobile, except busses, station wagons, patrol wagons, and ambulances, and except as otherwise specifically author- ized in this Act, shall be acquired under any provision of this Act, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650. No motor vehicles shall be transferred from the police or fire departments to any other branch of the government of the District of Columbia. Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for the payment of premiums or other cost of fire insurance. The Commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to furnish necessary transportation in connection with strictly official business of the District of Columbia by the purchase of streetcar and bus fares from appropriations contained in this Act: Provided, That the expenditures herein authorized shall be so apportioned as not to exceed a total of $11,675: Provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not include the appropriations herein made for the fire and police departments. EMERGENCY FUND To be expended in case of emergency, such as riot, pestilence, public insanitary conditions, calamity by flood, or fire, or storm, and of like character, and for other purposes, in the discretion of the Commis- sioners, $3,500, of which sum $1,000 shall be immediately available: Provided, That the certificate of the Commissioners shall be sufficient voucher for the expenditure of this appropriation for such purposes as they may deem necessary. REUND OF ERRONEOUS COLLECTIONS To enable the Commissioners, in any case where taxes, special assessments, school-tuition charges, payments for lost library books, rents, fines, fees, or collections of any character have been errone- ously covered into the Treasury to the credit of the general revenues of the District of Columbia, to refund such erroneous payments, wholly or in part, including the refunding of fees paid for building permits authorized by the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved March 2, 1911 (36 Stat. 967), $75,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for such refunds of payments made within the past three years. REPAYMENT OF LOAN FROM PUBLIC WORKS ADMINIS- TRATION For reimbursement to the United States, in compliance with sec- tion 3 of the Act approved June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1203), of funds loaned under the authority of said Act, including interest, $690,000. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY For personal services, and for substitutes and other special and temporary services, including extra services on Sundays, holidays, and Saturday half holidays, at the discretion of the librarian, $445,480. Miscellaneous: For books, periodicals, newspapers, and other printed material, including payment in advance for subscription books, and society publications, including not exceeding $300 for music records and sound recordings, $50,000: Provided, That the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance 505 Proviso. Cost limitation. Restriction on trans- fers. Fire-insurance pre- miums. Streetcar and bus fares. Provlos. Limitation. Fire and police de- partments excepted. ProVo. D. C. Code I 5-0. Proviso. Poet, p. 835 . Pro" .