Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/531

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 271-JULY 1, 1941 Library building, construction. Proviso. Reappropriation. 53 Stat. 1011 . Anacostia branch, site. Mosquito control. Proviso. Transfer of funds to Public Health Serv- ice. Ante, p. 480. to the librarian of the Free Public Library, upon requisition previ- ously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not exceeding $25 at the first of each month, to be expended for the purchase of certain books, pamphlets, numbers of periodicals or newspapers, or other printed material, and to be accounted for on itemized vouchers. For binding, including necessary personal services, $30,000. For maintenance, alterations, repairs, fuel, lighting, fitting up buildings, care of grounds, maintenance of motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, $35,125. For rent of suitable quarters for branch libraries in Chevy Chase and Woodridge, $5,760. For continuing the construction in square 491 of the first unit of an extensible library building, including quarters for the adminis- trative offices of the Board of Education, $340,000: Provided, That the unexpended balances of the amounts made available by the Dis- trict of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1940, for the preparation of plans and specifications for this building shall remain available for the same purposes and under the same conditions and limitations until June 30, 1942. For the acquisition of a site to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and the Board of Library Trustees for a building for the Anacostia branch library, $30,000, to remain available until expended. SEWERS For personal services, including one chief engineering inspector at $2,600 per annum, without reference to civil-service requirements, $183,860. For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, including the replace- ment of the following motortrucks: Three at not to exceed $1,200 each and one at not to exceed $1,050; and for operation and maintenance of the sewage pumping service, including repairs to equipment, machinery, and pumping stations, and employment of mechanics and laborers, purchase of electricity, fuel, oil, waste, and other supplies, and the maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $228,700. For construction of sewers and receiving basins, $350,000, includ- ing the maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, purchase of one motortruck at not to exceed $650, and the replacement of one motortruck at not to exceed $3,500. For assessment and permit work, sewers, including not to exceed $1,000 for purchase or condemnation of rights-of-way for construc- tion, maintenance, and repair of public sewers, $500.000, of which $100,000 shall be immediately available. For the control and prevention of the spread of mosquitoes in the District of Columbia. including personal services, operation, mainte- nance, and repair of motor-propelled vehicles, the replacement of one motortruck at not to exceed $550, purchase of two motortrucks at $550 each to replace two motorcycles and package cars; purchase of oil, and other necessary expenses, $12,000: Provided, That of the amount herein appropriated there may be transferred, in the interest of coordinating the work of mosquito control in the District of Colum- bia, not to exceed $3,500 to the Public Health Service of the Federal Security Agency, the amount so transferred to be available for the objects herein specified. Sewage treatment plant: For operation and maintenance, including salaries and wages of necessary employees, supplies, repairs to build- 506 [55 STAT.