Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/609

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55 STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-RADIO COMMUNICATIONS-JAN. 26, 1940 1483 (2). - Frequency bands 650 to 1600 kc. The band of frequencies from 550 to 1600 kc is assigned exclusively to broadcasting services in the American continent. (3).- Frequency band 1600 to 5000 kc. The assignment of frequencies in this band to the various services will be adjusted to the provisions of Article 7 of the General Radio Regulations (Cairo, 1938), subject 54Stat. 1429. to the following specific adaptations for the American continent: Frequency Northern Zone Central Zone Southern Zone 1600-1715 Fixed and mobile (Primarily for po- lice services, and the frequency 1638 kc for direc- tion finding in aviation). 1715-1750 Fixed and mobile (primarily for po- lice services) 1750-2000 Amateur. 2000-2050 Amateur. 2050-2100 Fixed and mobile. 2100-2200 Mobile (primarily ship stations) 2200-2260 Fixed and mobile. 2260-2300 Fixed and mobile. 2300-2395 Mobile (Primarily police services). 2395-2400 Experiments. Fixed and mobile (including aero- nautical, frequen- cies 1638 & 1708 kc for direction finding). a) fixed and mobile. b) amateur (1) Amateur. a) amateur b) fixed and mo- bile (1) Fixed and mobile. a) Mobile (Prima- rily ship stations) b) Mobile (exclu- sively ship sta- tions) (2) Fixed and mobile. a) Fixed and mo- bile. b) Mobile (exclu- sively ship sta- tions) (2) a) Mobile (prima- rily police serv- ices). b) Broadcasting (3). a) Experiments b) Broadcasting (3) 2400-2500 Mobile (Primarily Mobile (Primarily police services). police services). 2500-2600 Mobile (Primarily coastal stations). 2600-2634 Aeronautical and mobile 2634-2642 Aeronautical and mobile (intership frequency 2638 kc). a) Mobile (Primarily coastal stations) b) Fixed and mo- bile (1) Aeronautical and mobile (5). Aeronautical and mobile (5) Fixed and mobile (in- cluding aeronauti- cal, frequencies 1638 & 1708 kc for direction finding). Amateur (1) Amateur. Fixed and mobile (1) Fixed and mobile. Mobile (exclusively ship stations) (2) Fixed and mobile. Mobile (exclusively ship stations) (2) a) Fixed. b) Mobile. c) Broadcasting (4). a) Fixed b) Mobile c) Broadcasting (4) a) Fixed. b) Mobile. c) Broadcasting (4) Fixed and mobile (1) Aeronautical and mobile (5). Aeronautical and mobile (5) __ -