Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/610

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. Frequency Northern Zone Central Zone Southern Zone 2642-2735 Aeronautical and mobile 2735-2740 Mobile (Primarily intership, frequen- cy 2738 kc) 2740-2850 Fixed and mobile 2850-3000 Aeronautical and mobile. 3000-3065 Fixed and mobile 3065-3100 Aeronautical. 3100-3110 Mobile and aero- nautical (Primarily aircraft, calling frequency 3105 kc) 3110-3150 Mobile 3150-3265 Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) 3265-3320 Fixed and aero- nautical 3320-3440 Fixed and mobile 3440-3485 Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) 3485-3500 Experiments 3500-4000 Amateur 4000-5000 Fixed and mobile Aeronautical and mobile (5) a) Mobile (Pri- marily intership, frequency 2738 kc). b) Fixed and mo- bile (1). Fixed and mobile Aeronautical and mobile (5) Fixed and mobile Aeronautical. Mobile and aero- nautical (Primarily aircraft, calling frequency 3105 kc) (5) a) Mobile b) Fixed and mo- bile (1) Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) (5) Fixed and aero- nautical (5) Fixed and mobile Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) (5) a) Experiments b) Fixed and mobile (1) Amateur Fixed and mobile (6) Aeronautical and mobile (5) Fixed and mobile (5) Fixed and mobile Aeronautical and mobile (5) Fixed and mobile Aeronautical. Mobile and aero- nautical (Primarily aircraft, calling frequency 3105 kc) (5) Fixed and mobile (1) Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) (5) Fixed and aero- nautical (5) Fixed and mobile Fixed and mobile (Primarily aero- nautical) (5) Fixed and mobile (1) Amateur Fixed and mobile Note: (1) These assignments shall be applied in all countries in South America to the south of Panama. (2) It is pointed out that this same allocation has been established by the South American Radio Agreement. (Santiago, Chile, 1940) with appropriate provisions, and is applicable to all countries in South America, to the south of Panama. (3) The band of frequencies 2300-2400 kc is used for broadcasting in con- formity with the provisions of Article 7, Section 8, Part I, Paragraph 3 (b), (c), (d) (Nos. 137, 138 and 139) of the General Radio Regulations (Cairo, 1938) and in accordance with the Regional Radio Convention of Central America, Panama and the Canal Zone, signed in the city of Guatemala on December 8, 1938, by the following countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Canal Zone. (4) The band of 2300-2500 kc may be employed for broadcasting in the countries of South America between parallels 5° south and 30° south in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 7, Section 8, Part I, Paragraph 3 (a) No. 136) of the General Radio Regulations (Cairo, 1938). (5) Provisional and experimental allocation for all the countries of South America to the south of Panama. 1484 54 Stat. 1457 . 54 Stat. 1676. 54 Stat. 1457 .