Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1191

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INDEX Navy-Continued. Aviation duty, computation of pay in- creases for ------------------- 14 Repeal of certain provisions ------- Aviation personnel, definition of terms_ - Aviation pilot (airship), establishment of designation of------------------- Civil relief. See Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Acts. Clothing allowance upon discharge for undesirability, etc., increase------ Commissary privileges, extension to Page 18, 360 369 309 309 79 certain persons------------------ 13 Commissioning of persons from civilian life, report to Congress----------- 369 Composition of, in under-age vessels, increase -------------------- 277, 655 Appropriation authorized-------- 277, 656 Appropriation for------------ 389, 992 Decorations- Award of- Distinguished-service medal ------ 743 Medal of honor----------------- 743 Navy and Marine Corps medal---- 744 Navy cross -------

- 743 Silver star medal---------------- 743 Repeal of certain prior provisions --. 745 Defense contractors, employment of former members by, honorable dis- charge in lieu of birth certificate--- 375 Dental Corps, establishment of rank of rear admiral-------------------- 1053 Dependents- Determination of dependency------- 145 Family allowances for ------------- 381 Time for payment--------------- 747 Quarters for, hiring of, restriction -- 61 Dependents and household effects, transportation of, incident to secret orders-------------------------- 786 Detail of personnel to foreign govern- ments-------------------------- 763 Disbursing officers, examination of quarterly accounts, time extension- 94 Diving duty, additional pay for ----- 391, 73( Educational courses for officers, re- striction --------------------- 57 Embassies, etc., in foreign countries, enlisted men as custodians-------- 47' Reimbursement for expenses ------- 47, Emergency enlisted strength, author- ized, increase-------------------- Family allowances------------------- 38 Time for payment----------------- 74' Fruit or vegetable juices, canned or con- centrated, inclusion in ration - ---- 9' Household servants, employment of en- listed men as---------------- 61, 79, 99 Housing, national-defense, rentals to officers----------------------- 11, 98i Navy-Continued. Income tax, deferment in certain cases- Inspectors of buildings abroad, etc., assignment of officers as---------- Page 146 480 Judge Advocate General, performance of duties of------------------------ 47 Lighter-than-air craft, acquisition, etc.; appropriation authorized --------- 371 Mileage accounts, settlement--------- 1011 Missing or captured personnel, pay, allowances, etc-------------- 143, 1092 Appropriation for --------------- 389 National Service Life Insurance, grant- ing of, to certain flying cadets and aviation students---------------- 796 Naval Reserve- Active-duty provisions ------------ 739 Appointments to Regular Navy, eligibility--------------------- 464 Appropriation for --------- 58, 63, 79, 388 Aviation cadets- Grade, special enlisted ----------- 737 Payment of subsistence allowance to messes------------------- 9 Repeals and amendments--------- 739 Civilian aviators, designation as stu- dent aviation pilots ------------ 740 Commissions in staff corps, eligibility- 464 Disability or death benefits, extension of, effective date- --.- ------- 780 Longevity credit------------------- 266 Pay restriction, officers and men drawing pension, etc --------- 568 Physical defects, appointment of persons with certain; rights and benefits -------------------- 1066 Policy Board, composition --------- . 266 Transfer of enlisted men to Regular Navy ----------------------- 5 Women's Reserve, establishment----- 730 Nurse Corps- Pay and allowances------------- 366, 1074 Relative rank of members------- 646, 1074 Uniforms, issuance, etc------------ 647 Officers- Administration of officer personnel - 463 Promotion, eligibility for ----------- 463 Ordnance manufacturing facilities, ap- propriation authorized----------- 172 Appropriation for----------------- 232 Pay and allowance accounts, certificates of officers--------------------- 987 Pay and allowances, readjustment-- 359, 1037 Postage, free, for members of--------- 181 Posthumous appointment or promotion, officers and enlisted men --------- 722 Promotion of officers continued on active list-------------------------- 10 LXVII