Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1219

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INDEX Treasurer of the United States, Office of. Pag See under Treasury Department. Treasury, Secretary of the. See Treasury Department. Treasury Department: Appropriation Act, 1943 --.-------- _- 15i Appropriation for- Accounts, Bureau of -------------- 107 152, 244 , 601, 720, 100' Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1943, administrative ex- penses--------------------- 63' Audited claims -.-----. 116, 607, 609, 100! Carriers, reimbursement of deficits during Federal control-..----- _ 15( Chief Clerk, Office of -------.. _ 151, 721 Coast Guard. See separatetitle. Comptroller of the Currency, Office of --------------------.----- 15I Customs, Bureau of ----- 108, 154, 601, 72( Vehicles, restriction ----- . ._ _---- 15' Damage claims ----------- 110, 603, 100l Disbursement, Division of- Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1943, administrative ex- penses --- _ -- ._ --------- -- 63 District of Columbia, reimbursement for benefit payments to White House Police and Secret Service forces ----. _--------_-------- 719 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of__ 158 602, 1004 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, payments to, on account of re- ductions in interest rate on mort- gages----------------------- 1004 Federal land banks, payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages -__---______ 1004 Foreign-owned property control_- 243, 719 General Counsel, Office of---.----- 150 Internal Revenue, Bureau of_ 155, 720, 1005 Judgments ----------- 110, 112, 604, 1007 Mint, Bureau of the--- --- _ 108, 159, 602 Miscellaneous and contingent ex- penses ----------- _ ------- --- 151 Narcotics, Bureau of -------------- 157 Personnel, Division of ---------- 151, 720 Printing, Division of -------------- 601 Printing and binding -.. --........ 151 Processing Tax Board of Review, United States ----------.----. 157 Procurement Division------ 109, 160 , 1004 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1943, administrative ex- penses-----------------_--_ 637 Public Debt, Bureau of the--------- 108, 153, 601 , 720 Research and Statistics, Division of__ 150 Secret Service Division------- 108, 159, 720 XCV Treasury Department-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Secret Service Division-Continued. Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1943, administrative ex- penses------------ _- -_ _

637 Secretary, Office of --------------- 107, 150, 243, 601, 719, 1003 Consolidated emergency fund--- 107 Smaller War Plants Corporation, cap- ital stock, authorized ----- _____ 353 Appropriation for--------------- 719 Treasurer of the United States, Office of --------------- 108, 154, 244, 1004 Check forgery insurance fund __ 108 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1943, administrative ex- penses-----------------_ __- 637 Treasury buildings, custody__ 107, 152, 720 Voting, absentee, by members of land and naval forces, au- thorized -------------------- _ 756 Appropriation for---------------- 1003 Certifying and disbursing officers, re- sponsibility of------------------- 244 China, financial aid to; appropriation authorized -------------- _-----_ 82 Appropriation for_- - - - _ --- _-----_ 89 Citizenship requirements, employees--- 170 Coast Guard. See separate title. Coins, minor, issuance of special series- 1064 Contracts- Amounts in excess of $100,000- Renegotiation provisions----_ _ _ _ _ Exemptions---------- _ __ -- __ _ - Excess profits, recovery, etc., of -_ _ - Customs, Bureau of, deposit of receipts for overtime services ----------_ _ Customs Service, nonapplication to laborers of provisions extending Classification Act of 1923------- Disbursement, Division of, transfer of funds from designated agencies- _- Disbursing Officer, Chief, continuation of accounts in case of death, resig- nation, etc -------------- -- ___-_ District of Columbia, advances to, time extension ------- ________ _- Engraving and Printing, Bureau of- Credit of proceeds from work---- . Protection of currency, bonds, etc., transfer of funds for; detail of Secret Service supervisors ---- . Scientific investigations, transfer of funds to Bureau of Standards for- Gifts, conditional, acceptance of; allo- cation of funds; violations - _-- _- Inspectors of buildings abroad, etc., assignment of personnel as ---. .. 982 985 983 155 735 152 1086 460 158 152 158 183 480 m . .. ...