Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/256

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228 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 247-APR. 28 , 19b2 loo TArT. 55 Stat. 377; ante, SIGNAL CORPS p. 38. SIGNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMY For Signal Service of the Army, $748,149,000. 56 Stat. 378; ante. AIB CORPS p. 38. AIR CORPS, ARMY For Air Corps, Army, $8,515,861,251. 55 Stat. 379; ante, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT p. 129. ARMY MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT For Medical and Hospital Department, Army, including hospital care of Canal Zone garrisons, and for necessary medical care and treatment in private hospitals of military personnel whether on duty or on furlough or leave of absence except when elective medical treatment has been obtained by military personnel in civilian hospitals or from civilian physicians or dentists, $151,240,000. 56 tat. 380. CoRPs OF ENGINEERS ENGINEER SERVICE, ARMY Ante, p. 129. Engineer Service, Army: For Engineer Service, Army, $31,510,000. Pot, p. 316. Military construction, defense installations: For military construc- tion, defense installations, $866,165,600. po,t p. 316. Military posts: For construction of buildings, utilities, and appur- tenances at military posts, $4,358,118,283. Barracks and quarters: For barracks and quarters, $49,595,000. Construction and repair of hospitals: For construction and repair of hospitals, $775,000. In all, $5,306,163,883. 56 Stat. 381; ante, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT p.38. ORDNANCE SERVICE AND SUPPLIES, ARMY For ordnance service and supplies, Army. $543,721.283. REPAIRS OF ARSENALS For repairs of arsenals, Army, $4,500,000. In all, $548,221,283. 56 Stat. 382; ante, CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE p.38. For Chemical Warfare Service, Army, $367,366,311. SPECIAL SERVICE SCHOOLS 56ftat.383 . Infantry School: For Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $97,389. Cavalry activities: For instruction in Cavalry activities, $3,200. Field Artillery activities: For instruction in Field Artillery activ- ities, $63,786. Coast Artillery activities: For instruction in Coast Artillery activi- ties, including antiaircraft and barrage balloon activities, $1,625. rrO Cn_ __ __ _^·^