Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/257

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG.. 2D SESS.-CH. 247-APR. 28 , 1942 In all, $166.000: Provided, That all funds heretofore and herein appropriated for the fiscal year 1942 under the titles "Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia", "Instruction in Cavalry activities", "Instruc- tion in Field Artillery activities", and "Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia", shall be disbursed and accounted for as one fund under the title "Special service schools". ARMORED FORCE 229 Special service schools. Consolidation of funds. 55 Stat. 383 . 55 Stat. 383 . INSTRUCTION IN ARMORED FORCE ACTIVITIES For instruction in Armored Force activities, $152,016. 55 Stat. 384. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY Maintenance and operation, United States Military Academy, $357,580. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 101. Limitations on appropriations heretofore and herein Milita persoel. enacted and available for obligation during the fiscal years 1942 and tions not applicable. 1943, which prohibit the payment of persons who are not citizens of the United States, shall not apply to military personnel. SEC. 102. Under appropriations the Military Estab- civilian duty out lishment, the Secretary of War is authorized to effect appointments decontental U.S. of employees in the United States, or to effect the transfer of employees in the Federal service in the United States, for duty at any point outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska at which it may be found necessary to assign such civilian employees, and to pay the costs of transportation of such employees Transportation. from place of engagement in the United States, or from present post of duty in the United States, in the case of those employees already in the service of the United States, to the post of duty outside the United States or in Alaska, and return upon completion of assign- ment or after such period of service as may be prescribed by the head of the Department; to provide for the shipment of personal effects of persons so appointed or transferred from place of engagement or from present post of duty in the United States to the post of duty outside the continental United States or in Alaska. SEC. 103. Whenever the President deems it to be in the interest of Dpo 1 of defene national defense, he may authorize the Secretary of War to sell, trans- Ante. p. s. fer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States, any defense articles procured from funds appropriated in this title, in accordance with the provi- tat. 3upp.i. sions of the Act of March 11, 1941 (Public Law 11): Provided, That « 411419. the total value of articles disposed of under this authority shall not PrO. exceed $2,220,000,000: Provided further, That the term "defense " Defese article. article" as used herein shall be deemed to include defense information and services, and the expenses in connection with the procurement or supplying of defense articles, information, and services. SEC. 104. This title may be cited as "Title VI. Military Appro- Citationoftitle. priation Act, 1942". TITLE II-NAVY DEPARTMENT For additional amounts for appropriations for the Navy Depart- ment and the naval service, fiscal year 1942, to be supplemental and additional to the appropriations and funds in the Naval Appropria- Title VII, Naval Appropriation Act, 1942. 55 Stat. 151; ante, p. 78