Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/746

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 524 -JULY 25, 1942 Ante, p. 482. Vehicles. Unforeseen emer- gencfes of confidential character. Ande, p. 485 . Amendment. ASt; p. 163 . Ant, p. 162. Asde, p. 468. Visa Hoard of Ap- peals. t Pryoa. Aa, .4 .A made for this purpose for the fiscal year 1943 and to be available for the same objects, $9,200,000, of which amount there may be expended not to exceed $375,000 for the purchase and exchange of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; not to exceed $50,000 to meet unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, who shall make a certificate of the amount of such expenditure as he may think it advisable not to specify, and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended; and not to exceed $2,810,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia. MISCELLANEOUS APPROPRIATIONS Salaries and expenses, Special War Effort Unit: For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, Special War Effort Unit, Depart- ment of Justice, fiscal year 1943, to be supplemental to the appro- priation made for this purpose for said fiscal year and to be available for the same objects, $125,000. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OUT OF THE POSTAL REVENUES OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR The paragraph under the head "Clerks, Division Headquarters", appearing in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1943, is amended to read as follows: "Clerks, division headquarters: For compensation of three hundred and thirty-two clerks at division headquarters and other posts of duty of post-office inspectors, $780,370." Salaries: For an additional amount for salaries, Bureau of Accounts, $8,640. DEPARTMENT OF STATE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Salaries: For an additional amount for salaries, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1943, $320,000, of which $40,000 is hereby nmade available, without regard to civil-service and classification laws, for salaries of members and other employees of the Visa Board of Appeals: Provided, That salaries may be paid to the members of the Board at a rate not exceeding $10,000 per annum. CONTINGENT EXPENSES (DEPARTMENTAL) Contingent expenses: For an additional amount for contingent expenses, Department of State, fiscal year 1943, including the objects under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1943, $23,000. FOREIGN INTERCOURSE Foreign Service, auxiliary (emergency): For an additional amount for Foreign Service. auxiliary (emergency), Department of State, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the At, p. 472 Department of State Appropriation Act, 1943, $1,300,000. Contingent expenses, Foreign Service: For an additional amount for contingent expenses, Foreign Service, including the objects speci- Mate, p. 472 . fi ed under this head in the Department of State Appropriation Act pMiami, Fla., 943; and including also the expenses of the dispatch agency at tagency. 1943; and including also the expenses of the dispatch agency at 718 [56 STAT.