Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/351

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. of decease to New York City. Should the deceased be the officer, his services shall be considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return trans- portation to the United States of America for the family of the deceased officer and for their household effects, baggage and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 21. All com- pensation due the deceased officer and reimbursement due the de- ceased officer for expenses and transportation on official business of the Government of Peru shall be paid to the widow of the officer, or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the officer, provided such widow or other person shall not be com- pensated for the accrued leave of the deceased, and further pro- vided that these compensations shall be paid within fifteen (15) days after the death of the officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly author- ized, have signed this Agreement in two texts in duplicate, each one in the English and Spanish lan- guages, in Washington, this eleventh day of March, 1942. SUMNER V Acting Secretc of the United Sta M.DEFE Ambassador Extraordint of the Republic of P transporte de los restos desde el lugar del fallecimiento hasta la ciudad de Nueva York. Si el difunto fuere el oficial, no se con- siderarAn terminados sus servicios hasta quince (15) dias despues de la fecha de su fallecimiento. El transporte de la familia del finado de regreso a los Estados Unidos de America junto con sus efectos do- mesticos, equipaje y autom6vil, sera provisto segin se prescribe en el Articulo 21. Toda remunera- ci6n insoluta y todo reembolso adeudado al oficial difunto por gastos de transporte en viajes por asuntos oficiales del Gobierno del Peri,seran abonados a su viuda o a cualquiera otra persona que este haya designado por escrito, dis- poniendose que no se le pagara a la viuda ni a ninguna otra persona por el equivalente de cualquier licencia que tuviere acumulada el finado; y disponiendose ademas que estos pagos serAn efectuados dentro de quince (15) dias de la fecha del fallecimiento del oficial. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL los suscritos, debidamente autoriza- dos para ello, han firmado este Acuerdo en dos textos, por dupli- cado, en los idiomas inglds y espafiol, en Washington, el dia once de marzo, 1942. VELLES [SEAL] iry of State tes of America EYREYS [BELLO] rry and Plenipotentiary 'eru at Washington Compensation due deceased officer. 1432