Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/388

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BRAZIL-NAVAL MISSION-MAY 7 , 1942 considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return transportation to New York City for the family of the deceased member and for their baggage, household effects and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Title IV, Article 4. All compensation due the de- ceased member, including salary for fifteen (15) days subsequent to his death, and reimbursement for expenses and transportation due the deceased member for travel performed on Brazilian official business, shall be paid to the widow of the deceased member or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the deceased while serving under the terms of this agreement; but such widow or other person shall not be compensated for ac- crued leave due and not taken by the deceased. All compensation due the widow, or other person designated by the deceased, under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid prior to the departure of such widow or person from Brazil and within fifteen (15) days of the decease of the said member. quinze (15) dias depois de sua morte. As despesas de regresso, ate Nova York, da familia do morto, de sua bagagem, objetos dom6sticos e autom6vel, serao feitas de acordo cor o estabelecido no Capitulo IV, Artigo 4Q. Tudo que f6r devido ao morto, inclu- sive a remuneracao dos quinze (15) dias subsequentes a sua morte, reembolso das despesas e trans- porte devidos ao morto por viagens feitas a servigo oficial brasileiro, sera pago A viuva, ou a qualquer outra pessoa que por ele tenha side designada por escrito, en- quanto servia de ac6rdo corn os termos d6ste contrato; por6m a viuva ou outra pessoa nada re- cebera pelas f6rias acumuladas nao gozadas pelo morto. Tudo o que for devido a viuva, ou a pessoa designada pelo morto, de ac6rdo corn o estabelecido neste Artigo, sera pago no Brasil, antes do regresso da viuva ou da pessoa habilitada e dentro de quinze (15) dias ap6s o falecimento do referido membro. CAPITULO V Requisites and Conditions ART. 1.-So long as this agree- ment, or any extension thereof, is in effect, the Government of Brazil shall not engage the serv- ices of any personnel of any other foreign government for duties of any nature connected with the Brazilian Navy, except by mutual agreement between the Govern- ment of the United States and the Government of Brazil. ART. 2 . -Each member of the Mission shall agree not to divulge or by any means disclose to any Requisites e Condidoes ART. 19-Durante a vigencia deste contrato ou de sua prorro- gacao, o GovArno do Brasil nao podera contratar servigos de pes- soal de qualquer outro governo estrangeiro para fungSes de qual- quer natureza relacionadas com a Marinha brasileira, salvo por acBr- do entre os Governos dos Estados Unidos da America e do Brasil. ART. 2°-Todos os membros da Missao se comprometerao a nao divulgar ou revelar, por quaisquer Services of person- nel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. Secrecy require- ment. 56 STAT.] 1469 Return transporta- tion for family. Compensation due deceased member. TITLE V