Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/614

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56 STAT.] ARGENTINA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-OCT. 14, 1941 1697 such other Government shall give sympathetic consideration to such representations or proposals as may be made with a view to effecting a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the matter. If no agreement is reached with respect to such representations or pro- posals, the Government making them shall be free to suspend or terminate this Agreement in whole or in part on thirty days' written notice. 2. The Governments of the two countries agree to consult together to the fullest possible extent in regard to all matters affecting the operation of the present Agree- ment. In order to facilitate such consultation, a Commission con- sisting of representatives of each Government shall be established to study the operation of the Agreement, to make recommenda- tions regarding the fulfillment of the provisions of the Agreement, and to consider such other matters as may be submitted to it by the two Governments. ARTICLE XIII The provisions of this Agree- ment relating to the treatment to be accorded by the United States of America and the Argentine Republic, respectively, to the com- merce of the other country shall apply, on the part of the United States of America, to the conti- nental territory of the United States of America and such of its territories and possessions as are included in its customs territory. The provisions of this Agreement relating to most-favored-nation treatment shall apply, further- more, to all articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any territory under the sovereignty or comercio de ese pals, el otro Go- bierno considerara deferentemente las representaciones o proposicio- nes que se le hicieren con el objeto de llegar a un arreglo mutua- mente satisfactorio de la cuesti6n. Si no se llegara a un acuerdo con respecto a tales representaciones o proposiciones, el Gobierno que formule las mismas podra sus- pender o dar por terminado este Convenio en su totalidad o en parte mediante un aviso previo de treinta dias por escrito. 2. Los Gobiernos de los dos paises convienen en consultarse en la forma mas amplia posible con respecto a todas las cuestiones que afecten la aplicaci6n del presente Convenio. Con el fin de facilitar tal consulta se creara una Comi- si6n compuesta por representan- tes de cada Gobierno para que estudie la aplicaci6n del Convenio, haga recomendaciones referentes al cumplimiento de las disposi- ciones del Convenio y considere las otras cuestiones que le sean sometidas por los dos Gobiernos. ARTICULO XIII Las disposiciones de este Con- venio relativas al tratamiento que han do conceder los Estados Unidos de America o laRepfiblica Argentina, respectivamente, al comercio del otro pats, se apli- caran, por parte de los Estados Unidos de America, al territorio continental de los Estados Unidos de America y a sus territorios y posesiones que est6n compren- didos en su territorio aduanero. Las disposiciones de este Convenio relativas al tratamiento de la naci6n mas favorecida se apli- caran, ademas, a todos los artf- culos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en cualquier terri- Commission to study operation of agreement. Soope of agreement.