Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/691

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56 STAT.] COLOMBIA-NAVAL MISSION- Sept. 22 , 1942 1777 Nov. 5, 1942 The Secretary of State to the Colombian Charge d'Affaires ad Interim DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON November 5, 1942 SIR: I refer further to the Ambassador's note of September 22, 1942 requesting on behalf of the Colombian Government an extension of the Agreement signed November 23, 1938 and amended by the sup- 53 Stat. 2074. plementary agreement dated August 30, 1941 between the Govern- 55Stat. 1336 . ments of the United States and the Republic of Colombia which pro- vides for the assignment of a United States Naval Mission to Colombia. It is noted from the Embassy's communication of September 22, that your Government desires to continue the existing Agreement for a period of one year, the renewal to commence upon the termination of the present Agreement on November 23, 1942, and I am pleased to inform you that the proposed extension thereof is acceptable to this Government. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. For the Secretary of State: SUMNER WELLES Sefor Don ALBERTO VARGAS NARINO, Charge d'Afaires ad interim of Colombia.