Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/760

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. During the conversations which I have had with officials of the Government of the United States, careful consideration was given to the routing of the Inter-American Highway between Sebaco in Nic- aragua and the Honduran frontier. It was generally agreed that in deciding this question there should be taken into account both the international character of the proposed road and the needs of Nic- aragua's economy, with neither of these two factors being given exclusive weight. On this basis, it is the proposal of my Government that the Inter-American Highway between the points mentioned be constructed so as to pass through the towns of Matagalpa, Jinotega and Condega, with the definitive routing between those points subject to final survey. I take pleasure in availing myself of this opportunity to present to you the assurances of my highest consideration. MARIANO ARGUELLO The Honorable SUMNER WELLES, Acting Secretary of State of the United States The Acting Secretary of State to the NicaraguanMinister of Foreign Affairs DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON April 8, 1942 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's kind note of April 8, 1942 in which you requested the cooperation of the United States Government in the construction of the Inter-American Highway in Nicaragua. I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that the assurances which you offer meet the requiremelnts of Public Law 375 of the sit. s 0. Congress of the United States of December 26, 1941. It is conse- quently the intention of this Government, as soon as the subsidiary agreement which you mention has been concluded between the United States Public Roads Administration and the appropriate Nicaraguan officials, to extend to the Nicaraguan Government the cooperation envisaged in the above-mentioned Law, subject to the appropriation of the necessary funds by the Congress of the United States and to the receipt of the necessary assurances from the other Republics mentioned in the Law. My Government has given careful consideration to the route pro- posed by Your Excellency's Government for the highway between Sebaco and the Honduran frontier and is in agreement therewith. Preliminary surveys have shown that a practicable route exists via Matagalpa, Jinotega, and Condega although in the case of Jinotega, it is indicated that the highway itself will pass somewhat to the north and east of the town, and a short approach road will be required. 1846