Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/796

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1882 Effective date; duration. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. e) The vouchers of the expenditures incurred by the Division for the Development of Vegetable Production from the funds set forth in item 2 letters a and c, and item 3 of clause 3 will be subject to the accounting procedure set forth in the regulations now in effect, it being understood that a special copy of all of the vouchers will be supplied for the information of the American member of the Brazilian-American Food Production Commission. f) The voucher of the expenditures incurred under the ordinary budget, consisting of item 2, letter b, and item 4, of clause 3, will be made in accordance with the requirements of Brazilian public account- ing, there being sent, however, to the Brazilian-American Food Pro- duction Commission a copy of the distribution of the credits made to the Fiscal authorities of the States included in the area of the present Agreement. g) It is understood that all improvements made under the provi- sions of the present Agreement will remain the property of the Brazil- ian Government. CLAUSE SIXTH The present Agreement will be for the duration of two years, counting from the date of its signature, and may be extended in the judgement of the contracting parties. In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto, sign and seal the present Agreement in duplicate in the English and Portu- guese languages. [SEAL] JEFFERSON CAFFERY NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER [SEAL] OSWALDO ARANHA APOLONIO SALES