Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/554

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 229-JULY 12, 1943 The provisions of section 501 of the Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942, approved December 17, 1941, shall be applicable to appropriations under the Emergency Relief Appro- priation Act, fiscal year 1941, and there shall be transferred to the "Emergency relief liquidation fund" from appropriations under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1941, sufficient amounts to meet unliquidated obligations incurred thereunder: Pro- vided, That claims certified for payment by the Comptroller General of the United States, chargeable to the "Emergency relief liquidation fund", shall be paid without regard to project allocations. The Federal Works Administrator, or his designee for such pur- pose, is authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and pay from the foregoing appropriation any claim on account of damage to or loss of privately owned property caused by the negligence of any employee of the Works Progress Administration or the Work Projects Administration while acting within the scope of his employ- ment. No claim shall be considered hereunder which is in excess of $500, or which is not presented in writing within one year from the date of accrual thereof. Acceptance by a claimant of the amount allowed on account of his claim shall be deemed to be in full settle- ment thereof, and the action upon such claim so accepted by the claim- ant shall be conclusive. Work relief in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: To enable the Federal Works Administrator to carry out the provisions of the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 128) entitled "Joint resolution to authorize an appropriation for work relief in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands", approved June 22, 1943, during the period beginning July 1, 1943, and ending November 30, 1943, $7,000,000, of which not to exceed $350,000 shall be available for administrative expenses, including the items of expenditure specified in section 14 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1943: Provided,That employees of the Work Projects Administration in active duty status on June 30, 1943, may, in the discretion of the Federal Works Administrator, be trans- ferred to and paid from this appropriation without the necessity of further appointment. NATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY War housing: For an additional amount to carry out the purposes of title I of the Act of October 14 1940 (42 U. S. C., ch. 9), as amended, and subject to the applicable provisions of the joint resolu- tion approved October 14, 1940 (54 Stat. 1115), $100,000,000, to remain available during the continuance of the unlimited national emergency declared by the President on May 27, 1941: Provided, That the amount appropriated in this paragraph shall not be avail- able for obligation until the date of enactment of legislation author- izing the appropriation of such additional funds. Not exceeding $7,000,000 of the unexpended balance of the appro- priation made available until June 30, 1943, under the heading "Emergency fund for the President, defense housing", contained in the Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942, is continued available until June 30, 1944. DISTICT OF COLUMBIA PsaLIC WEiFARE Saint Elizabeths Hospital: For an additional amount for support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths IHospital, as provided by law, fiscal year 1943, $68,000. 541 55 Stat. 837 . 54 Stat. 611 . Payment of claims. Consideration, etc., of claims. Ante, p. 161; post, p. 617. Administrative ex- penses. 66 Stat. 641 . Transfer of person- nel. Pos, p. 618. 55 Stat. 861. 42 U. 8. C., Supp. II, 5§ 1821-1624 . Ante, p. 387. M6Stat. 1647. 60U.S.C., upp. I, app., note prec. §1. Ante, p. 387. Defense housing. 55 Stat. 818.