Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/713

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57 STAT.] BRAZIL-HEALTH AND SANITATION PROGRAM-NOV. 25 , 1943 is known as the Servico Especial de Saude Pfiblica. Detailed arrange- iAgr"eenOt frpecni ments for the continuation of the special service and the fulfillment of service, etc. the program will be effected by agreement between the appropriate official of the Government of Brazil and an appropriate official of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs for the United States of America. It is understood that the Government of the United States of Expets to be fur- America will continue to furnish such experts as are considered neces- sary in order to collaborate with your agency in executing the health and sanitation program. All projects completed and property acquired in connection with projects, etc. , to be the health and sanitation program shall be the property of the Gov- ernment of Brazil. Restriction on pro- No project will be undertaken that will require supplies or materials curement of supplies. the procurement of which would handicap any phase of the war effort. I should appreciate it if Your Excellency would be so kind as to confirm to me your approval of this general proposal, with the under- standing that the details of the program will be the subject of further discussion and agreement as provided for herein. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. JEFFERSON CAFFERY His Excellency Dr. OSWALDO ARANHA, Ministerfor Foreign Affairs, Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador MINISTERIO DAS RELAO6ES EXTERIORES, RIO DE JANEIIRO. DAI/DPD/442/512.6(22) Em 25 de Novembro de 1943. SENHOR EMBAIXADOR, Tenho a honra de acusar o recebimento da nota n° 1947, de 9 do corrente mes, na qual Vossa Excelencia se refere as notas trocadas pelo Ministro da Fazenda do Brasil e o Secretario de Estado, em exercicio, dos Estados Unidos da America a 14 de Marco de 1942, assim como as nossas conversas s6bre o programa de cooperacao em materia de safde e saneamento no Brasil, previsto pela Resoluqao XXX da Terceira Reuniao de Ministros das Relagoes Exteriores das Repiblicas americanas, realizada nesta cidade, em Janeiro de 1942. Salienta Vossa Excelencia que de ac6rdo com as referidas notas, os Estados Unidos da America ja contribuiram cor a quantia de U.S . $ 5.000.000 para realizacao daquele programa de saude e saneamento, que se executa atualmente no Brasil. 2. Participa-me Vossa Excelencia que, caso o deseje o Governo Bra- sileiro, o Govemo dos Estados Unidos da America, por intermedio do 81077"-44-PT. --- 45 1349