Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1010

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Fish and Wildlife Service-Continued. Fur Seal Agreement of 1942, Pro- visional, administration of Act giving effect to-------------- Glacier National Park fish hatchery, transfer from National Park Service. - __.---..

Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, appropriation for ------------- Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge, lands added-_ Wildlife restoration, appropriation for Federal aid in---------- Fishery Coordination, Office of, appro- priation for --- __--_--------_- Flood-control projects, investigations Page 104 801 504 274 504 467 and reports -------------------- 888 Forest-fire prevention, appropriation for ------- _------------------ 465 Forests, cooperative sustained-yield management ------------------- 132 Appropriation authorized -- _------_ 135 Appropriation for ----- _-------_ 444, 606 General Land Office- Appropriation for . _ --- - 169, 468, 606, 865 Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, appropriation for ----- __----- _ 469 Oklahoma, payment from royalties, south half of Red River --------- 469 Oregon and California Railroad grant lands, appropriation for __ -- ---_ 469 Payments to States from proceeds of land sales, appropriation for- -. 469 Range improvements outside of graz- ing districts, appropriation for. - 469 Geological Survey- Appropriation for ------ 157, 171, 491, 865 Cooperative work, funds for ------ 157, 492 Judgments, appropriation for ------ . 878 Mining operations on Indian lands, transfer of funds for supervi- sion of------- _-- ---- ---- ---- 472 Scientific, etc., investigations for Gov- ernment agencies, transfer of funds -- --- __ -- _--------_ 492 Transfer of funds for water investiga- tions--------------------- __ - 490 Grazing Service, appropriation for ----- 169, 463, 864 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, acceptance of land for scenic high- way----_----------------_---_ 19 Hancock County, Maine, conveyance of certain property in, for national- park purposes ----------------- 914 Hawaii, government in, appropriation for --------. .


506 Homestead entries, credit for military or naval service in World War II. -- 747 Interior, uepartment oi mte-ontmuea. Hulah Dam and Reservoir project, con- demnation of mineral rights ----- _- Indian Affairs, Bureau of. See Indian Affairs, Office of, infra. Indian Affairs, Office of- Advances to Indian youths for educa- tional courses -. -- --- -- -- -- -- - Page 330 472 Alaska- Advance obligations for benefit of natives---------- _-------- 266 Medical relief in -------- _ 170, 480, 607 Annuities and per capita payments, appropriation for ---- _-------- 485 Atoka Agreement, Choctaw-Chicka- saw Nations, fulfillment of ------ 483 Mineral, etc., deposits, leasing of -- 484 Education, appropriation for ----- 170, 477 Fish screens on irrigation projects, operation and maintenance ---- _ 502 Forest fires- Rewards for information respecting setting of, etc--------------- 471 Suppression, etc.; report to Con- gress ------ __-- --- --- -- -- -- 472 General expenses, appropriation for ----------- .- -- -- - -- -- 169, 469 General support and administration, appropriation for---- 157, 170, 480 , 865 Geological Survey, transfer of funds for supervision of mining opera- tions on Indian lands ---------- 472 Havasupai Indian Reservation- Addition of lands --------------- 110 Purchase of improvements author- ized----. -- ---- --- ---- --- - 111I Appropriation for------------ 470 Health, conservation of, appropriation for------------- .- - -- - - - . 479, 607 Hospitalization of pupils, nonreserva- tion boarding schools, contribu- tions for --------------------- 479 Ice, funds available for purchase of - 485 Indian Service, purchases for, time limit for rendering bills-------- 470 Industrial assistance and advance- ment, appropriation for ----- 169, 471 Irrigation and drainage, appropria- tion for ----------- _ - 170, 473, 607 Irrigation projects- Apportionment of cost where reim- bursement required -------- _ 474 Flood damages, etc., interchange of amounts for --------------- 474 Land, acquisition of, appropriation for--------------- .. -- ----- 470 Livestock, funds for suppression of contagious diseases ----------- 473 LVIII , ..,..