Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1011

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Indian Affairs, Office of-Continued. Loans for high school and vocational school education; reimbursement 477 Loans from revolving fund ----- 472, 473 Medical, etc., services, collection of fees from Indians ----. -- --. --- 479 Printing and binding in authorized Indian-school printing plants, amount available for-------- _ _ _ 477 Replacement of property destroyed by fire, etc.; report to Congress--- 470 Roads and bridges, appropriation for- 485 Rubber boots, funds available for purchase of- _--- --- -- --- --- --_ 485 Salaries, appropriation for------_ 169, 469 Services performed for Indians, col- lection of fees----------------- 480 Supplies, purchase and storage of, availability of funds for -- _____ 485 Taxes on restricted lands, funds for payment of------------------ 470 Travel expenses- Availability of funds for -_- - - -- - - 485 Educational systems, restriction on use of funds for study of ---- 477 Tribal enterprises, funds available for establishment of--------------- 472 Tulalip Indians, sale of certain lands authorized------------------- 917 Water supply, development of, appro- priation for------------- - 169, 473 Indians. See separatetitle. Irrigation projects, investigations and reports ----------------------- 889 Jackson Hole National Monument. re- striction on use of funds in connec- tion with----------------------- 508 Judgments, appropriation for- - ..- - - 179, 615 Meetings, funds available for attend- ance at------------------------- 507 Menominee Tribe of Indians, disposition of proceeds from judgment by Court of Claims --------------- 255 Mines, Bureau of- Appropriation for ------ 157, 171, 493, 865 Cooperative work authorized-------- 494 Helium- Plants, appropriation for construc- tion and equipment---------- 497 Procurement of, transfer of funds from- Navy Department---------- 312, 499 War Department-------------- 499 Pilot plants, sale of products of ---- 499 Public Health Service, details from__ 499 Scientific investigations for Govern- ment agencies; transfer of funds for-- --------

499 Interior, Department of the-Continued. LIX Page Mines, Bureau of-Continued. Synthetic liquid fuels, demonstration projects --------------- .. --- _ 190 Appropriation authorized ...-- ---- 191 Appropriation for------ ... .... . . 494 Transportation of workers and school children ------------- 495 Moores Creek National Military Park, acceptance of property, authorized_ 746 National monuments. See separate title. National Park Service- Acadia National Park, Maine, con- veyance of certain property to-- 914 Appropriation for ---------- _ 171, 500, 865 Automobiles, funds available for maintenance and operation---- 501 Forest-fire prevention, etc., appro- priation for ------------------ 501 Glacier National Park fish hatchery, transfer to Fish and Wildlife Service --------------------- 801 Lectures, educational, funds avail- able for --------------------- 501 National Capital parks, appropria- tion for salaries and expenses_ 171, 502 Recreational demonstration areas, appropriation for ---------- 171, 502 Roads and trails, post-war, appropria- tion authorized---------------- 842 Telephones in Government-owned residences, funds available------ 501 Travel expenses of employees attend- ing training courses, funds avail- able for --------------------- 501 Water rights, investigation and pur- chase of, appropriation for ----. 502 National parks. See separatr title. Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz., ex- change of lands------- . ----- ---- 257 North Dakota, conveyance of certain lands to------------------------ 816 Olympic National Park, Wash., acquisi- tion of certain facilities within park- 793 Oregon, forest protection agencies, ap- propriation authorized for reim- bursement ---------------------- 108 Appropriation for-----------------4 469 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating---------------------507 Overtime and other pay increases- Appropriation for ----------------- 169 Appropriations available ----------- 508 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for_- - 876 Petroleum Conservation Division, ap- propriation for ----------------- 464 Philippine Islands, U. S . High Commis- sioner to, appropriation for office of----------------------- 169,466, 864