Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1012

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Printing and binding, appropriation for- 466 Public lands. See separatetitle. Puerto Rico, government in, appropria- tion for----- .---- ------- -- 171, 507 Radio broadcasts, restriction on use of fundsfor __------------------- 463 Reclamation, Bureau of- Appropriations, interchange of ------ 488 Boulder Canyon project, appropria- tion for ------------- 171,488, 489 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropri- ation for-------------- 171, 489, 607 Colorado River Development Fund, appropriation for ------------- 489 Colorado River front work and levee system, appropriation for----- 157, 489 Enemy aliens, etc., utilization of services or labor--------------- 491 Expenditures, limitation of--------- 488 Fish screens on irrigation projects, operation and maintenance ---- 502 General fund, construction, appropri- ations from--------.------ -.- 490, 865 Investigations, cooperation of other agencies------------------ 488, 490 Irrigation districts in arrears of pay- ments, restriction on use of funds in--------------------------- 486 Special fund, appropriations from - - 170, 486, 607, 865 Transfer of funds to Geological Sur- vey for water investigations - - 490 Water conservation and utilization projects, appropriation for ------ 491 Reclamation work, employment of re- tired personnel as consultants -- 915 Reservoir projects- Electric power disposal ------------ 890 Irrigation purposes, construction of additional works for ---------- 891 Rewards for useful suggestions or in- ventions by personnel ------------ 360 Salaries, appropriation for ---- __ -- 169, 463 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for__ 169, 463, 864 Sherman Institute, Riverside, Calif., sale or exchange of certain lands, authorized --------- _------_--- - 813 Skagway, Alaska, transfer of hospital from War Department ---------- 607 Soil and moisture conservation opera- tions, appropriation for-------- . 169, 464 Solicitor, Office of, appropriation for_ 169, 463 Solid Fuels Administration for War- Appropriation for----------------- 467 Communication services, appropria- tions available for -------- __ _ _- 886 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for-------- _------ 468 Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Station wagons, funds available for --- 507 Telephone and telegraph services, funds available for certain _. . - -- - - .. -- -- 508 Increase in amounts -------------- 886 Territories, government in, appropria- tion for---.- -- -- -- - 171,505, 607, 866 Alaska ----------------- 505, 607, 866 Hawaii------------------------ 506 Puerto Rico-------------------- 171,507 Virgin Islands ------------------ 171,506 Territories and Island Possessions, Di- vision of- Appropriation for --- _-- --_- 169, 463, 864 Puerto Rico, funds available for col- lection and administration of moneys due U. S-------------- 507 Trucks, pick-up, funds available for___ 507 Vehicles, funds available for---------- 507 Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from--------------------- 381 Virgin Islands, government in, appro- priation for -------------. -- -- - 171, 506 War Minerals Relief Act, payment of awards- Appropriation authorized---------_ _ Appropriation for - _- -- _ _---. ___ _- War Relocation Authority. See sepa- rate title. Water conservation and utilization projects. See separate title. Wyoming, University of, conveyance of certain lands in Powell townsite, Shoshone reclamation project, to- _ Interior, Secretary of the. See Interior, Department of the. Internal Revenue, Bureau of. See under Treasury Department. Internal Revenue Code: Section 3, amendment --------_--_ _ Section 4 (1), amendment--------- .... Section 11, amendment -

Section 12 (b), amendment - -- ---- Section 12 (g), amendment ---------- Section 12 (h), addition ------------- Section 22 (b) (4), amendment------ Section 22 (b) (14), addition .- -- - -- Section 22 (d) (6) (A), amendments__ - Section 22 (d) (6) (C), amendment -- Section 22 (d) (6) (D), amendment -_ _ Section 22 (d) (6) (E), amendment- -- Section 22 (m), addition-- .- - -- - -_ __-- Section 22 (n), addition----------. . - Section 23 (c) (1), amendment ----- Section 23 (c) (1) (F), addition ----- Section 23 (g) (4) (B), amendment --- Section 23 (k) (1), amendment----- .- Section 23 (k) (5) (B), amendment - - Section 23 (o), amendment _- ---- --- Section 23 (q) (2), amendment ------ 187 465 807 234 234 231 231 232 232 241 33 34 34 34 34 235 235 34 34 35 35 35 236 35 --- -- --- -- ---