Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1023

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INDEX Manganese, stock piling of surplus accu- Page mulations --------- __________ -__- 776 Manganese Beneficiation Pilot Plants and Research, appropriation for ---- _--- 497 Manpower Commission. See War Man- power Commission. Map of the World on the Millionth Scale, International, appropriation for con- tribution ------------------------ 402 Margate City, N. J., flood-protection ex- amination authorized __ --- -- --- -- - 903 Marihuana, discovery on board vessels bound for United States ----------- 722 Marine and War-Risk Insurance: Recovery of payments ------------- 758, 759 Statute of limitations, suspension in cer- tain cases --------------------- 216 Marine and War Risk Insurance Fund, transfer of funds to War Shipping Administration--- ___------------- 543 Marine Band, attendance at national en- campment of Grand Army of the Re- public --------------------------- 647 Marine Corps. See also Navy Depart- ment. Air travel under orders, per diem rates of allowance-------------------- 387 Allowances, readjustment ----------- 729 Appropriation, transfer of------------ 159 Appropriation for _--------------- 312, 323 Bonds, corporate surety, renewal by payment and acceptance of annual premium----------------------- 135 Death gratuity to widow, child, or de- pendent relative----------------- 129 Dependency, determination of -------- 681 Dependents, death gratuity --- . . - -- 129 Disbursing officers, examination of monthly accounts -------------- 923 Embassies, etc., in foreign countries, en- listed men as custodians---------- 399 Reimbursement for expenses -------- 400 Enlisted men, appointment to Naval Academy, service requirement---- 308 Glider flights, increased pay for partici- pation in----------------------- 682 Inductees, funds available for expenses of----------------------------- 320 Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance. Missing or captured personnel, pay, al- lotments, etc-------------------- 679 Money allowances in lieu of transporta- tion in kind ------------------- 309 Mustering-out payment-------------- 8 Exclusion from gross income for tax purposes--------------------- 33 Mentally disabled veterans --------- 812 Survivors over 17 ---------------- 812 Pay and allowances, readjustment----- 729 Marine Corps-Continued. Paymaster's Department, head of, change of title ----------- ______ Per diem rates of allowance --------- Public Health Service treatment of active-duty personnel, funds avail- able --------------------------- Quartermaster's Department, head of, change of title ---------------- Rental allowances not denied during occupancy of housing facilities of- Military Establishment ----------- Navy Department or National Hous- ing Agency------------------- Reserve- Death gratuity - ---------------- Pay restriction, officers and men draw- Page 121 387 558 121 596 868 129 LXXI ing pension, etc -------------- 305 Retired pay, waiver of; entitlement to pensions and compensation------- 230 Retirement, active-duty pay and allow- ances-------------------------- 320 Selective Service personnel, travel of; payment of expenses------------- 544 Staff departments, titles of heads of ---- 121 Taxation, residence or domicile for --- 722 Transient personnel, temporary housing for --------------------------- 190 Transportation, reduced fares -------- 751 Under-age discharged personnel, funds available for transportation, etc--- 672 Venereal disease, repeal of pay for- feiture provision----------------- 752 Veterans. See separate title. Voting, absentee, in time of war-- . 136, 727 Water and refrigeration, funds available for--- ...--...- .. . ... 322 Women's lteserve, dependency allow- ances and benefits ---------- --- 730 Marine Corps Reserve. See under Marine Corps. Marine Schools, State, appropriation for maintenance------ -------------- 543 Maritime Commission. See also Mer- chant Marine Act, 1936. Cash awards for useful suggestions --- 115 Commissioners, salary rates----------- 383 Construction fund, appropriation for in- crease of-------------------- 380 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for ---------------------- 875 Surplus vessels, designation as disposal agency for --------------------- 769 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations----- 198, 200 Maritime Training Fund, appropriation for-----------------

543 Market News Service, appropriation for- 453 Marketing Quotas. See under Agricultur- al Adjustment Act of 1938.