Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1024

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Marketing Service. See under Agricul- ture, Department of. Marsh River, Minn., flood-control exami- nation authorized --------------- Marshals, U. S .: Checking accounts with Treasurer of U. S ., establishment of----------- District of Columbia, division of ex- penditures--------------------- Salaries, etc, appropriation for-------- 410, 608, Page 904 844 414 172, 866 Transportation allowance------------ 410 Maryland: Conduit Road, name changed to Mac- Arthur Boulevard--------------- 115 Flood-control examinations and surveys authorized------------------ 904 Massachusetts: Boston Harbor, abandonment of project for seaplane channel and basin _ --- 728 Flood-control projects authorized------ 892 Marine school, appropriation for main- tenance ---------------------- 543 Maternal and Child Health Services, ap- propriation for grants to States for-- 55C Maternal and Child Welfare, appropria- tion for ---------------------- 172, 550 Maternity and Infant Care, Emergency: Grants to States, appropriation for__ 222, 55C Salaries and expenses, appropriation for---------------------.- 172,55( Maumee River, Ind. and Ohio, flood- control examination authorized------ 904 Mayaguez Barracks Military Reservation, Puerto Rico, conveyance of certain property for school purposes -------- 794 Mayflower Hotel Corporation, permission for construction of pipe lines for steam-heating purposes --- -. -- -- McMurray, Howard J., appropriation for contested-election expenses -------- 15 McNary, Charles L., payment to widow of, appropriation for--------------- 15( McVeigh, Charles S., payment to, appro- priation for ---------------------- 15( Meat Inspection: Appropriation for------------------- 43 Examinations at places other than headquarters-------------------- 73 Labels, tags, etc., purchase of------- 434,73 Mediation Board. See National Media- tion Board. Membership Fees, tax on ------------- 6 Memphis, Tenn., time extended for bridg- ing Mississippi River at------------ 72 Menominee Indian Mills, audit of ac- counts, funds available------------ 48 Menominee Indians: Judgment of Court of Claims, disposi- tion of proceeds---------------- 26 lenominee Indians-Uontinuec. rage Support, etc., appropriation for ----- - 481 rental Hygiene, Division of, appropria- tion for--------------------- 166, 559 lerced County Stream Group, flood-pro- tection plan authorized ------------ 901 ierchant Marine. See also Maritime Commission; Merchant Marine Act, 1936; Vessels; War Shipping Admin- istration. Maritime training fund, appropriation for--------------------------- 543 Merchant Marine Inspection, Coast Guard, appropriation for--------- 317 Voting, absentee, in time of war --- 136, 727 Merchant Marine Academy, establishment of Board of Visitors--------------- 220 Merchant Marine Act, 1936: Amendments- Ship construction reserve funds, tax- ation- "Construction contract," etc., terms construed------------- 920 Deposit of vessel proceeds, recog- nition of gain -------------- 920 Insurance, marine and war-risk- Payments, recovery of----------- 758, 759 Statute of limitations, suspension in certain cases ----------------- 216 Merchant Vessels. See Vessels. Mercury, stock piling of surplus accumu- lations _------------------------ 776 Mescalero Irrigation Project, N. Mex., appropriation for------------------ 474 Metal Mines, income tax, percentage de- pletion -------------------------- 44 Metals. See Strategic and Critical Ma- terials. Meteorological Committee, International, appropriation for contribution------ 424 Methyl Bromide Investigations, insect- pest control, appropriation for------ 440 Mexican Fruitfly Control: Appropriation for------------------ 438 Authority of Department of Agriculture- 735 Mexico: American Mexican Claims Commission, appropriation for---------------- 404 Cotton and cottonseed, appropriation for prevention of movement into U.S.----------------------- 440 Highways, connection with National System of Interstate Highways-- 842 International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, appro- priation for------- 173, 403, 404, 612, 870 Mexican fruitfly control, cooperation in----------------------------7 735 Appropriation for ---------------- 438 INDEX TIXXII - -" ~s -]bt