Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1028

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National Capital Park and Planning Com- Page mission: Appropriation for----------_ -- 175, 530, 604 Penalty mail costs----------------- 875 Motor vehicle parking facilities, D. C ., report to Commissioners -- _ --- --- 808 National Capital Parks: Appropriation for-- __ - 155, 171, 175, 502, 529 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for------------------------ 875 National Cemeteries, appropriation for maintenance, etc------------ 162, 174, 327 National Collection of Fine Arts, appro- priation for administration --------- 379 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, appropriation for support of, by D. C ----- ------ - 510 National Defense. See War and National Defense. National Defense Act, Amendment, main- tenance and training of State and Territorial military forces -_-- -- --- - 359 National Forest Reservation Commission, appropriation for ---.....- 443 National Forests. See also Forest Service under Agriculture, Department of. Angelina National Forest, transfer of certain land in Nacogdoches Coun- ty, Tex., to -------------------- 911 Cache National Forest, Utah, acquisi- tion of lands for; disposition of receipts------- _ -- -- -- -- -- _ -- - -- 227 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., ac- quisition of lands for; disposition of receipts ------------------ _---- 228 Cooperative sustained-yield manage- ment-------------------------- 132 Appropriation for -------------- 444, 606 Nevada National Forest, Nev., acquisi- tion of lands for; disposition of re- ceipts -------------------- Pike National Forest, Colo., exchange of adjacent lands -------------- Protection of, rewards for information of violations of forest laws, etc ------- San Bernardino National Forest, Calif., acquisition of lands for; disposi- tion of receipts _- -_ -_ - -- -___-- Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., acquisi- tion of lands for; disposition of receipts---- -_ . -


Uinta National Forest, Utah, acquisi- tion of lands for; disposition of receipts---------- - _-- .-- _ Wasatch National Forest, Utah, acqui- sition of lands for; disposition of receipts ------------------. -- - National Gallery of Art: Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for---------------------- . 228 924 736 228 228 227 227 875 National Gallery of Art-Continued. Page Salaries and expenses, appropriation for----------------_ --- 166, 379, 859 Widener gift tax, appropriation for----- 154 National Guard: Active Federal service, use of other military forces during period of__ - 359 Adjutants general, continuance in fed- erally recognized status without pay -------- _ ---_ -- -- _ -------- 588 Appropriation for ------------------ 588 Field exercises, appropriation for par- ticipation in-------------------- 574 National Guard Bureau, War Depart- ment, appropriation for---------- 592 Officers on active duty, appropriation for pay------------------------- 575 Restriction on payment of pensioners, etc---------------------------- 588 National Gnard of District of Columbia, appropriation for ----------------- 529 National Guard of Tennessee, credit to account of------------------------ 801 National Housing Act, Amendments: Mortgage insurance- Aggregate amount, increase of ----- 648 Refinancing of existing mortgages -- 648 National Housing Agency: Administrative expenses- Appropriation for ----------------- 374 Definition amended ------------- _ 720 Limitation on obligations----------- 375 Damage claims, appropriation for----- 177, 614, 876 Federal Home Loan Bank Administra- tion. See separate title. Federal Housing Administration. See separate title. Federal Public Housing Authority. See separate title. Home Owners' Loan Corporation. See separatetitle. Housing facilities, emergency, rental by military or naval personnel, money allowances not denied -------- Overtime or other pay increases, appro- priation for.-- .- .- ---- Penalty mail costs, appropriation for__- Real estate contracts, prepayment of purchase price--- ------------- 868 167 875 675 Transfer of funds ------------------ 375 United States Housing Corporation, appropriation for liquidation of -- 604 War housing, appropriation for__ 153, 604, 859 National Institute of Health: Appropriation for---------------- 166, 559 National Cancer Institute, organization, etc -------------------------- 707 Organization-.-------------------- 683 LXXVI INDEX