Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1029

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Nattonal inventors Council Service Staff, Page appropriation for salaries and ex- penses-.------------------------. 415 National Labor Relations Board: Agreements between management and labor, notice requirement -------- 568 Appropriation Act, 1945 --- .- - - - - -- - - 567 Appropriation for------------- .- _ 165, 567 Penalty mail costs---------------- 875 Employees, temporary additional com- pensation for, availability of appro- priations------------- _- -- - _-- - _ 572 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of person advocating-----------_ --------- 572 Overtime compensation, availability of appropriations--------- -------- 572 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ------------------------- 572 National Mediation Board: Appropriation Act, 1945-------------- 568 Appropriation for------------- 165, 568,859 Penalty mail costs --------------- 875 Employees, temporary additional com- pensation for, availability of appro- priations----------------------- 572 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of person ad- vocating----- _ -- -- -- -

572 Overtime compensation, availability of appropriations -------------- -- 572 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after- ----------------------- 572 National Memorial Stadium, D. C., estab- lishment of commission to consider site and design-...----------------- 844 National Monuments: Administration, protection, etc., appro- priation for----- ------------- 500 Harpers Ferry, W. Va., establishment of- 645 Jackson Hole, Wyo., restriction on use of certain funds in connection with - 508 Patrick Henry, Charlotte County, Va., repeal of Acts relating to establish- ment and property acquisition --- 852 Rtoads, trails, and access parkways, post-war, appropriation authorized- 842, National Parks-Continued. Page Colonial National Historical Park, Va., transfer of jurisdiction over certain lands to Navy Department------ 923 Everglades National Park, Fla., accept- ance of property within authorized boundaries; establishment-------- 794 Glacier National Park, Mont., adminis- tration of fish hatchery- ---------- . 801 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, acceptance of land for scenic parkway.,.- ---_--- --------. 19 Moores Creek National Military Park, acceptance of property, authorized- 746 Olympic National Park, Wash., acquisi- tion of certain facilities ---- _----- 793 Roads, trails, and access parkways, post-war, appropriation author- ized -----.---- .---.---- ----. 842,843 National Railroad Adjustment Board: Appropriation for------- -------- 165, 569 Penalty mail costs----------------- 875 National Railway Labor Panel, appropria- tion for------------------------- 568 National Safety Council, Inc., appropria- tion for D. C. affiliation with-------- 510 National Service Life Insurance: Appropriation for--- --------------- 383 Liabilities chargeable to------------ 764 Army aviation cadets and aviation stu- dents------- ----.------------- 764 Beneficiaries- Insane or minor, filing of proof------ 763 Optional settlements ------------- 763 Waiver of premiums, application for- 764 Death insurance benefits; time limit for filing application -- ---

763 Death prior to continuance of total disa- bility for 6 months------------- 762 Disability in line of duty------------- 762 Estate of insured, payment of excess reserve, etc., to----------------- 762 Heirs, etc., restriction on payments to - 762 Inadequate procedure for authorizing deductions, benefits not denied--- 764 Public Health Service officers, benefits for-------------------------- 689 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, amendments --------------- 762 National System of Interstate Highways, designation, extent, etc------------ 842 National Training School for Boys, D. C, appropriation for-------- ----- 521,605 National Training School for Girls, D. C.: Appropriation for ---------------- 175, 521 Land, acquisition of, near Laurel, Md-- 521 Superintendent, salary rate----------- 521 Temporary buildings, construction of, reappropriation and availability of funds------------- .- - .-- - Statue of Liberty, appropriation for water-supply easements -------- National Park Service. See under Interior, Department of the. National Parks: Acadia National Park, conveyance of certain property in Hancock County, Maine, to.-- -- -- -- -- Administration, prtcto te., appro- priation for ---^i.- -. . , 500, 865

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