Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/587

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58 STAT.] I 78TH CONG., 2 D SESS.-CH. 302-JUNE 28, 1944 motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for use in the field; $346,000: Provided, That section 3709, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to any purchase or service outside continental United States when the unit aggregate amount involved does not exceed $500. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Employees' Compensation Commission, $20,000. Employees' compensation fund: For the payment of compensation provided under "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916 (5 U. S. C. 785), as amended, including medical examinations, traveling and other expenses, and loss of wages payable to employees under sections 21 and 22; all services, appliances, and supplies provided by section 9 as amended, including payments to Army, Navy, and Veterans' Administration hospitals; the transportation and burial expenses provided by sections 9 and 11; advancement of costs for the enforce- ment of recoveries provided in sections 26 and 27 where necessary; and for payments authorized by the Act approved December 2, 1942 (42 U. S. C . 1701), as amended, rehabilitation expenses, and fees or payments to other agencies of the United States and other public agencies or private persons, agencies, or institutions, for services or facilities rendered by them pursuant to agreement approved by the Commission, accruing during the fiscal year 1945 or in prior fiscal years; $13,950,000, of which not more than $700,000 shall be imme- diately available for expenditure during the fiscal year 1944. For the payment of compensation benefits (including the advance- ment of costs for the enforcement of third party recoveries, and pay- ments to other Federal agencies for medical and hospital services) authorized by the Act of February 15, 1934 (5 U. S . C. 796), extending the Act of September 7, 1916 (5 U. S . C. 751), to persons rendering services as employees of the United States pursuant to said Act of February 15, 1934, the Act of June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1056), and the several emergency relief and National Youth Administration appro- priation Acts and to veterans and other persons included under title V of the Act of June 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 2035), there is hereby reap- propriated the unexpended balance of the appropriation "Employees' compensation fund relief 1944", of which $272,480 shall be available for administrative expenses of the Employees' Compensation Com- mission of which latter sum not to exceed $75,000 may be added to the appropriation in this Act for salaries and expenses, United States Employees' Compensation Commission: Provided, That the Commission shall furnish medical and hospital services and treat- ment and burial expenses, including transportation and other expenses incidental to such services, treatment and burial, to such enrollees of the Civilian Conservation Corps who may be certified by the Director of such corps as receiving hospital services and treatment at Govern- ment expense on June 30, 1943, and who are not entitled thereto under the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended and extended, and the limitations and authority of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, shall apply in providing such services, treatment, and expenses. This title may be cited as the "Employees' Compensation Commis- sion Appropriation Act, 1945". TITLE IV-NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Salaries: For three Board members of the National Labor Relations Board and other personal services of the Board in the District of Columbia and elsewhere necessary in performing the duties imposed by law, $2,125,000. 567 41U.S.C. 5. 39 Stat. 742. 5 U.S .0 . 751-791, 793; Supp. III , I 793. Post, pp . 712, 887. 56 Stat. 1028 . 42U. .. ., Spp. III, 5 1701-1717. Payment of com- pensation benefits. 48 Stat. 351; 39 Stat. 742. 5U.S. C.§ 751-791, 793; Supp. In, II 796, 793. Post, pp. 712, 887. Reappropriation. 67 Stat. 614. Medical services, etc., to CCC enrollees. 39 Stat. 742 . 5 U.S. C . 5 7751-791, 793; Supp. III, § 793. Post, pp . 712, 887. Citation of title. National Labor Re- lations Board Appro- priation Act. 1965. Pod, p. 875.